It's a nearly finished 28Thirty. Such purply goodness. Have you ever really loved knitting something, like to the point that you kind of don't want it to end? That's how I've felt with this one. I just adore the purl rows breaking up the wide expanse of stockinette. My only fear is that it will have the same effect on my arms as horizontal stripes, making me look like I'm carrying around corrugated metal tubing. Let's hope not!
And here she is, nearly finished up and lounging in the only spot where I get any natural light.
But I finished tonight, and 28Thirty is blocking away. This despite the fact that I lost out on prime knitting time during jury duty last week. I was hoping to get several uninterrupted hours, but instead I had to perform my stinking civic duty and sit inside a court room for the bulk of the day. Not only did I question the attorneys' decision to quiz prospective jurors in front of other prospective jurors, but it was also total dullsville. (With the exception of the fact that I think Lionel Ritchie was sitting a few rows in front of me! Truly! I wanted to walk up to him and say, "Hello!") Not surprisingly, I got cut loose.