# Make your strokes gentle but not ticklish. With soft and gentle touches the baby massage flows from the head to the toes. Tenderly begin on the head and then move to the face, shoulders, arms, hands, chest, stomach and down to the legs, feet and toes.
# Follow your baby's mood signals about when to stop the massage. If the baby wants to change position let him or her do so. A baby massage can comfortably last anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on his or her mood.
# When you gently massage your baby’s body parts, you may want to cover the areas of the baby’s body that are not being massaged with a second towel to avoid baby from getting a chill. Run your fingertips lightly over the body using circular motion. Avoid massaging your infant’s navel area, if the cord hasn't completely healed, avoid pressure on the spinal cord and avoid the genitalia area.
# You can hold under your baby’s knees and gently press the knees up toward his or her tummy. This position can help your baby to expel gas. Massage the scalp in small circles with your fingertips as if you were shampooing.
# Following the massage, wash your baby’s hair with a natural baby shampoo. This may require two washes to remove all the oil.
# Make it a good habit to give your baby a baby massage as part of your baby’s pre-bath schedule. After the massage, caress your baby and then give your baby a warm bath.