Do not oil baby's palms or fingers as these little ones tend to put them in their mouths or eyes often and this may cause them irritation.
Remove jewellery in hands such as rings, trim the nails or use balls of fingers to massage the baby, so his tender skin doesn’t get scratched.
Keep one hand over other hand and use them like a paddle just below the belly button of the baby to relieve any gas pains and improve her digestion.
Remove your baby's clothing and cover your baby with a soft towel or diaper. Remove your bottle of massage oil from the pocket of your Baby Slanket Use an all natural massage oil, a food-based substance that will not harm your babys delicate lymphatic system when absorbed through the skin. Before massaging, you will put a small amount in your palm and swish the oil between your hands to warm it and cover your hands. The feeling should be smooth but not slippery. The swishing noise will be a cue to baby that he or she is about to receive a massage.
Time spent massaging your baby helps you to understand his moods, needs, desires and expressions.
Natural Eco Blissful Baby Massage Oil is specially formulated for babies from the age of 12 weeks and is a wonderful aid to infant massage. The specially selected blend of aromatherapy oils in this natural product will further enhance the benefits of massage by improving circulation, soothing any skin irritations and imparting a sense of calm and relaxation.
Mandarin essential oil is soothing and uplifting oil. It has balancing and stimulating properties and is also known to regulate emotions. This oil will impro

The best way to get your baby to bed at a regular time is to start a routine early. Do your best to put your baby to bed around the same time each night. If your baby is having a hard time getting to sleep during this time frame, do what it takes to get him/her relaxed enough to fall asleep, such as giving your baby a bath, singing a lullaby, giving a gentle back massage after setting him/her down, or making sure he/she has a fresh diaper. In addition to putting your baby to sleep at the same time every night, be sure to use the same place. This will help your baby associate that particular area with sleep time.
You need something soft, warm and well-cushioned for the baby to lie on. At the same time the surface needs to be able to cope with accidents - remember, your baby is going to be without a nappy! Something like a thick towel on top of one of those plastic-covered changing mats would be ideal. Have a spare nappy to hand in case of accidents. You also need a safe You Need something soft, warm and well-cushioned for the baby to lie on. At the same time the surface needs to be able to cope with accidents - remember, your baby is going to be without a nappy! Something like a thick towel on top of one of those plastic-covered changing mats would be ideal. Have a spare nappy to hand in case of accidents. You also need a safe place to put what is likely to become a rather messy bottle of massage oil. Keep it away from carpets and soft furnishings.