Anyway. The wedding crafting is in overdrive at this point. The shawls are done. My capelet is blocking. The pom-poms are being mass produced. And the cake topper is done.
why, hello there!
The funny thing is, we're not really having cake. We're just not dessert people -- we're more second-helping people. So we're having a peanut butter pie and carrot cake that our venue serves. But I simply couldn't resist making a Carrie and Jon cake topper.
I have to admit that this was, um, heavily inspired by the cake toppers made by Patch NYC. And I feel a little bad, but if they are able to sell them for $500, then I think they're doing OK without my business. I also used the adorable toppers made by Small Object as a guide.

The biggest challenge was Jon's suit. He let me cut up an old gray shirt, and I made many a prototype before settling on this one. Then I found ribbon that resembled his tie, and we were off!
As you might gather, my dress doesn't look precisely like this -- and my legs aren't anywhere near as skinny as pipe cleaners, despite rampant gym-going -- but it's close enough that Jon is now forbidden from looking at this blog! (Spare me any commentary about how the whole "groom not seeing the bride" tradition is silly. We like our silly traditions, thank you very much!)
Anyway, I'll having actually KNITTING to show soon, once my little capelet dries. Now, off to remove the whitening trays ...
(cross-posted at How Engaging!)
I have to admit that this was, um, heavily inspired by the cake toppers made by Patch NYC. And I feel a little bad, but if they are able to sell them for $500, then I think they're doing OK without my business. I also used the adorable toppers made by Small Object as a guide.
The biggest challenge was Jon's suit. He let me cut up an old gray shirt, and I made many a prototype before settling on this one. Then I found ribbon that resembled his tie, and we were off!
As you might gather, my dress doesn't look precisely like this -- and my legs aren't anywhere near as skinny as pipe cleaners, despite rampant gym-going -- but it's close enough that Jon is now forbidden from looking at this blog! (Spare me any commentary about how the whole "groom not seeing the bride" tradition is silly. We like our silly traditions, thank you very much!)
Anyway, I'll having actually KNITTING to show soon, once my little capelet dries. Now, off to remove the whitening trays ...
(cross-posted at How Engaging!)