WooHoo It's Friday! I am so ready for the weekend, it has been a loooong week for me. Hubs and I are taking the grandbabies with us after work today to spend some time together because they are leaving on a one week vacation tomorrow. We gotta get our fill of them so we don't miss them too much while they are away :(
Another great thing about Friday's is the
Follow Friday Blog Hops. There are several of them going on, and it takes me until about next Wednesday to make my way through each of the lists, but I do it!
Since you are visiting today, please checkout some of my recent blog posts that may be of interest to you:

We are having a
GIVEAWAY of a Dr Carey's Baby Care Kit, valued at $49.95 to celebrate our New Blog Make-over. See that post and Enter HERE. Even if you don't have a new baby, or it is not your first baby, you will still find lots of valuable information in Dr Carey's book that is included with this kit. I am an experienced mother and grandmother and I found a few things I didn't know. I love how the book also details exactly how to use the Nasal Aspirator, that seems to be one thing that new mama's fear doing because the don't know how to do it right. This is a common sense kit to save you from running to the doctor every time your baby 'looks' different. Dr Carey really makes the first year a breeze.

I am also looking for
Product Ratings & Reviews of anything currently in our Online Store. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions with other shoppers
HERE. This post also contains a Special Offer of Free Bonus Exposure for Review Blogging Mama's too! If you have already posted a review blog on any of our products, we will add a link back to your blog, right in the product listing! That is some Great Exposure for your blog!

Have you read about our
LUCKY PEN PROMOTION? We are circulating 150 Special Pens that have a Special Discount Code printed on the pen that will give the person who has the pen a
special discount good all year long! The Lucky Pens are being included with our online order shipments. We have 450 pens in all, 150 of them are the Special Lucky Pens. You may receive one in Your next order! If you do, please keep the discount code a secret, it is only for those who get one of our Lucky Pens.

After you are done here, be sure to pop over to Arizona Mama's blog and enter some of our Cloth Diaper Giveaways being hosted by Nancy at Arizona Mama. She did a review of us and a few of our Green New Products, the
GroVia AI2 Shell Set and the
Bum Essentials Bumbino AI2 Cloth Diaper. You can enter each of the Giveaways right now. The
GroVia giveaway is ending on 8/14 and the
Bum Essentials is ending on 8/21, so hurry on over. Look for more great review/giveaways from other wonderful bloggers coming very soon!
Please follow my blog, subscribe via email, follow me on
Twitter, or visit my
Facebook page! I would love it if you comment below to let me know you stopped by. Include the URL to your blog too, sometimes the profile link doesn't take me to your blog and I really want to visit your blog too!
Happy, Happy Friday!!!

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