I'm going to my first-ever tree trimming next week, and the hostess specifically requested something handknit. Enter Ravelry: sooo many adorable patterns for tree ornaments. But this one really captured my eye, mostly because it includes the teeniest, tiniest raglan shaping.
It's the tiny sweater pattern from Everwhelming Liz. I struggled a little with the pattern -- didn't realize it was knit in the round for about 14 rows, dimwit that I am -- but the results are very cute. And she has a cute little sock pattern that's probably next on m'list.
Obviously, I'm knitting little ornaments to avoid the trapeze jacket. Cannotfacethesecondsleeve. Hopefully these will get me out of my rut.
Or these will. Inspired by Veronique, I ordered a "Built by Wendy" pattern for the Simplicity site. And shipping is free! (Seriously, free shipping is the reason for the season.) I picked out some darling-if-loud Dandy Damask fabric by Michael Miller at Brooklyn General. They're open on Mondays during the holiday season. (Extended hours are also the reason for the season!)
And this is a good thing, since our old friend Fabric Sav-a-thon is closing! I stopped by today, thinking maybe I could pick up some cute Christmas-y fabric, and the place looked like a bomb had gone off -- and all that survived were elderly women (and me). Patterns were just 99 cents, but I had to elbow fabric-crrrrrazy ladies to get even a peek. And those women were surprisingly strong. Then once I did get my grubby hands on the patterns, I realized they were mostly scarecrow Halloween costumes, quilted vests featuring woodland creatures and Jessica McClintock evening gowns. Not my speed. There might be some real bargains on notions or knick-knacks or craft supplies, but I wasn't in a scavenger place.
Now, we all know that I have a rather mixed history with FS-a-T. But it's sad to see an inexpensive option just disappear.