With exactly four months to go, I'm done with two of my four attendant shawls. This one is hung from the Christmas lights on our fire escape for your viewing pleasure.
Seeing as I finished the first one a month ago, that's not a bad pace. While the first was the Simple Yet Effective shawl, this is the Easy Triangle Shawl. (Simple? Easy? See where we are going here?) I must admit that this was more fun to knit than the last one -- totally memorizable but also varied enough to keep my mind engaged. I'm using Plymouth Encore because September might be too muggy for pure wool. (I also really dug this color.)
Anyone want to recommend triangular shawl number three?
Jon's mom stayed with us for Memorial Day, and her visit inspired me to gussy up our beloved fire escape. Such enthusiastic hydrangeas!
And what a charming, um, whatever this plant is!
Oh, and by the time you read this, I'll have turned 32. It's already a great birthday -- my mom sent me one of her patented, fabulous care packages, which I opened a few hours early. (With her on the phone, of course.) How many moms can pick out the perfect fitted jacket?