Baby care- Baby massage

Touch is the first sense developed by the embryo as it is rocked and massaged in the womb, surrounded by the amniotic fluid. As the baby is gradually pushed down the birth canal he or she is receiving a stimulating massage to prepare him or her to adapt to the new environment.
After babies have made their difficult journey into the world they need the constant reassurance of a loving touch.
Massage has been practiced for centuries in many cultures, and nowadays in parts of India, Pakistan, some African countries and the West Indies, massage is part of a baby's daily life. Babies are massaged almost as soon as they are born, often initially by their grandmothers.
The mother takes over the daily ritual when she feels fit. The practice of massage continues throughout life, and children and adults are frequently massaged. Massage creates a strong and loving link between mother, father and baby. The London obstetrician Yehudi Gordon states that 'massage helps parents communicate with their baby, thereby strengthening the bonding process'.
Touch is particularly important for premature babies and those in special care if bonding is to be established. Babies who are born by Cesarean section and thus are not massaged through the birth canal also require a great deal of touch.
Fast-birth babies who can be traumatized and shocked by the speed of the delivery also need massage. It assists in the physiological and emotional development of the child. Evidence suggests that babies who receive regular massage are subject to far fewer health problems. They also feed and sleep much better than those who receive no massage.
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