Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease.
Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening infectious diseases and is estimated to avert over 2 million deaths each year.
It is one of the most cost-effective health investments, with proven strategies that make it accessible to even the most hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations.
It has clearly defined target groups; it can be delivered effectively through outreach activities; and vaccination does not require any major lifestyle change.
If you think that diseases are only for adults, think again! Babies are prone to a host of diseases and are more susceptible to them than adults. That is why it is very critical for parents to immunize their babies against these diseases at the right time.
Neglecting to do so might make you regret it for a long time to come. It is important for parents to keep a chart in order to track when and what injections should be given. Otherwise it can get quite confusing and you may end up missing out on a particular vaccination.
If you are keen to know more details about these diseases, their symptoms and how to avoid them or cure them, please browse through the links provided for you along the left panel on our site.
So what are the common but dangerous diseases that babies should be protected against? We will go through a few of them in brief just to give you an overview.

Typhoid is quite a serious condition because if it is not treated properly and at the right time, it can lead to various complications. This bacteria is mainly transmitted to humans from contaminated food and water. Fever is the most common symptom of this disease and it can be treated with antibiotics. Vaccinations are also available these days and should be taken every three years.
Tetanus is a fatal disease again cause by bacteria which affects the nervous system in the human body. It is mainly contracted through a wound which comes in contact with soil or grime which contains animal feces. The main symptom is locked jaw. To prevent tetanus, any wound should be cleaned immediately with antiseptic lotion and it is best to get a tetanus shot to be on the safe side.

Polio is another disease that can be prevented in children by giving the vaccinations at the proper time. It is a virus which affects the nervous system and leads to paralysis. From the time a bay is born till the age of six, a child should ideally receive four doses of the Polio vaccine.
Then there are others like Mumps, Measles and Diphtheria for all of which vaccines are available. Small-pox has been eradicated and therefore vaccines are not given these days though it is available.
Parents should ensure that they do not miss the boosters for the vaccinations that the children are taking. They should follow the plan given by the doctors and should not drop it in between. If proper care is taken, many of these diseases can be avoided.
We encourage you to read more of these diseases so as to prevent your children from contracting the same