The remedy? Sideways Grande Hat from Boutique Knits.
This is the latest in my series of recession knitting, meaning I'm either using stash yarn, swapped yarn or frogged-finished-object yarn. You may remember this yarn from one of the biggest debacles in my young knitting life, the Trapeze Jacket. At least something good came outta that thing.
It's done in Berocco Ultra Alpaca, which isn't my favorite yarn. But it's totally warm and toasty, and it falls just at eye level, perfect for appearing mysterious and shifty.
The only thing I don't like is that it reminds me a little of Angelina Jolie in "Changeling." Click here for photographic evidence. (And I fall squarely in the Jennifer Aniston camp, so I'm no Jolie fan).
Everyone is sick of hearing about it, but I'm SO PSYCHED about my Steelers winning the Super Bowl! Fan or not, do yourself a favor and listen to this song.