What saved me? My love of knits and winter outerwear in general. I had on a cowl, two scarves, a hat and two pairs of gloves (which were store bought, but whatever.) I give serious props to Jess for her Honeycomb Cowl pattern, done up in chunky Malabrigo, perhaps the vermillion colorway? It's as toasty and protective as a ski mask, minus the "crazy bank robber" factor.
When a hero pilot (and hand knits) save the day
I hesitate to even post this. Here am I, the day of the miracle on the Hudson. I spent about six hours outside of a hospital where passengers were transported. I have never, ever, ever been so cold, which I guess is no surprise since it was the coldest night in two years.

What saved me? My love of knits and winter outerwear in general. I had on a cowl, two scarves, a hat and two pairs of gloves (which were store bought, but whatever.) I give serious props to Jess for her Honeycomb Cowl pattern, done up in chunky Malabrigo, perhaps the vermillion colorway? It's as toasty and protective as a ski mask, minus the "crazy bank robber" factor.
What saved me? My love of knits and winter outerwear in general. I had on a cowl, two scarves, a hat and two pairs of gloves (which were store bought, but whatever.) I give serious props to Jess for her Honeycomb Cowl pattern, done up in chunky Malabrigo, perhaps the vermillion colorway? It's as toasty and protective as a ski mask, minus the "crazy bank robber" factor.