Besides totally revamping the blog she also created a beautiful header for our store's website to tie it in with the new look of the blog. Now our blog, shopping website, and our informational website all have a uniformity to them. And she did all of this for such a reasonable price. I purchased the Ultimate Blog Design package for just $65.00 and it even included the New Cute Buttons for the store and the blog, and my custom new signature line too!
If you don't remember what my blog looked like before, here is a snap shot of it. I had tried to make it colorful but it just looked like too much. I had only one sidebar on the right, instead of one on each side, so that single column was very full and too busy looking, it just looked a mess. I also had tried to make a pretty heading and matching buttons, but they were not near as cute & pretty as the ones that Sheila did for me.
She created neat, clean headers for all of my information in the sidebars. She put in the cute and simple icons for twitter, facebook, subscribing via email or feedburner, and she made them in the perfect baby colors to match the entire blog look.
I am so thrilled with the new look that we are even ordering a new sign for our building to match the new look of our website and blog. I will post pictures of it as soon as it arrives. Now I need new letterhead, business cards, etc. This is the fresh, new look that we needed to celebrate that we have been in business for 2-1/2 years now and have weathered the economic storm and are doing well thanks to all of our many supportive customers...Thank You!
To celebrate this exciting new look I want to do a Giveaway! I think the most appropriate product to offer in a giveaway is something that a Fresh, New Mama's could really use...the Dr Carey's Baby Care Kit! This kit has a retail valued of $49.95 and comes in a beautifully printed keepsake box that is filled with all of the little 'essentials' that a new mama needs, including: Dr Carey's Swaddling Baby Blanket, Diaper Rash Ointment & Skin Protectant, Hawaii Medical's GumDrop Pacifier, Saline Solution Squirt Bottle, Digital Thermometer, Nose Suction Bulb, and Dr Carey's Baby Care Book, a practical and informative book filled with color photographs and common sense explanations of what to expect from her baby, to help her navigate that magical first year. With almost everything needed to ease the worries of moms and dads. It is like a parenthood tool box that brings the doctor to your home.

So here is how you can enter to Win a Free Dr. Carey's Baby Care Kit valued at $49.95!
Mandatory First Entry: Subscribe to this blog via email. Super simple huh? You just click on the little envelope icon in the upper right column under 'Connect & Socialize' heading. Then you will enter your email address, type the funky text that you see and hit the 'complete subscription request' button. Then check your email for the verification email and click the link they include. That's it, you are done. Then next you will come back here and post a comment to say that you have subscribed and include the email address that you subscribed with. I will verify that it is active and you are ready to move on to the additional entries below. (If you already subscribe just state that in your comment and include the email address in the comment too.)
Additional Entries: (you can do as many of these as you like, but you must first complete the mandatory entry above or else these wont count) Be sure to post a separate comment for extra entry below. If your email address is not visible in your profile then please include it in your comment. It would be a shame if you won and I could not find you.
~Grab our Cute New Button! (3 Entry Points) If you already have our old buttons, Please delete it from your blog and replace it with our New Button(s). We have two, one for this blog (found there in the left column) and one for our shopping website (found on the bottom of the right column). You can use either one, or both if you like (double the points if you use both). Be sure to include the url in your comment to let me know where the Button is posted.
~Follow us on Twitter! (1 Entry Point) Just click on the cute Twitter Icon in the upper right column. Include your Twitter ID in your comment.
~Tweet about our New Blog Make-Over and this Giveaway! (1 Entry Point per Tweet) You can tweet up to 3 times per day but please space them out at least every 3-4 hours, not all a once, so you are not spamming your followers. Include the permalink of your tweet in your comment.
Sample Tweet:
"@BabyStorePlus is Celebrating their New Blog Make-Over with a Dr Carey Baby Care Kit GIVEAWAY!"
~Visit our Store Website (2 Entry Points) and tell me what products you like or tell me what products you would like to see us carry.
~Make a purchase from our Store Website! (10 Entry Points) include your invoice number and first name in your comment. (purchase must be made during the time of this giveaway)
~Become one of my 'Mama Friends' by Following this blog publicly with Google Friend Connect! (1 Entry Point). The follow link is located in the right column.
~If you are a fan on Facebook, please post a comment on our wall! (1 Entry Point), if you are not a facebook fan yet and would like to be, its easy, just click on the Facebook Icon in the upper right column, then click the 'Like' button on our facebook page. Be sure to include your facebook name in your comment so I know who you are. A first name and last initial is sufficient.

~Help me spread the word about this Giveaway by adding it to a Giveaway Linky! (2 Entry Points) Include the url of the blog hosting the Giveaway Linky that you included us in, in your comment.
I wish there were more ways to enter, but I am out of ideas. I wish you all the very best luck! This Giveaway will end at midnight MST on August 15th. I will pick a Winner using on August 16th. I will verify the winning entry (and the mandatory entry too) at that time and will notify the lucky winner via email. The Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email notification to claim their prize. If I don't hear back from the winner within that time limit I will start the process over again and pick an alternate winner.
If you currently have our old buttons on your blog could you please replace them with the new pretty ones? I will be deleting the images linked to the old ones soon so they will appear blank on your blog when that happens. These new ones will look so much prettier on your blog anyway. Thank you!
© 2009-2010 The Baby Store Plus, All Rights Reserved