Of course, there was also yarn. My future mother-in-law is an ambitious knitter and made me the most touching present. When Jon and his brother were little, their grandmother knit them the most intricate stockings with snowmen and Santas. Jon's grandmother is gone now, and the pattern she used was literally falling apart. But Jon's mom found a new copy and made me this. I was floored!
Of course, I received some knitterly gifts, too, namely Sensual Knits from my mom. Oh, I just want to eat the pages, they look so luscious. (Does anyone else smell knitting books? I feel like they smell better than other books.) I'm obnoxious and started name dropping to my mom as soon as I cracked the spine. "Yahaira? Veronique? Connie? Saun? Of course I know them! What, you don't?"
My first project will be the Loop Shawl by the ever-inspiring Leah. And so far I'm loving it. The lace pattern is intoxicating -- just enough cable needle action to keep things exciting but not burdensome. And those k3togs through the back loop ain't so bad!!
I'm using the Shelridge Farms 4-ply DK that I bought at Rhinebeck. It's ever-so-delightfully squishy and bouncy. Knitting with it is a dream!
If it seems like I'm knitting less, it's probably because I am. I never thought I'd be this gal, but I'm a little pre-occupied with wedding planning. Not obsessed, just pre-occupied. I don't care about cakes or flowers or even dresses (that much.) It's all of the pretty little touches that make a wedding special. Even if you are a commitment-phobe, you'll probably love Style Me Pretty. Now, I shall sit here and resist the urge to make my own fortune cookie-inspired menus....