- Mrs. Cline said...
- I follow on Twitter! I'm @nataliejanette
How nice for you since your baby is due in August! Congratulations Natalie!
Original post:
When a new baby is born everyone gets so excited over the new little bundle of joy that they sometimes forget that mama just labored for many hours to bring the precious baby into this world. It can make a mama feel a little left out.
At The Baby Store Plus we like to Pamper New Mama's. We think that Every New Mama Deserves a Little Something Special Just for Her! So we are hosting a Giveaway this month, just for the New Mama.
We are going to give away a 'New Mama Gift Set' to one Lucky Mama that includes:
"A Little Something for a New Mama" Gift Box & "Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash" both made by Earth Mama Angel Baby, the first name in All Natural, Toxin-Free Products for Mama's & Babies!
Also, $25.00 Gift Card for use towards the purchase of a Hygeia Double Electric Breastpump in our store!

Plus Several Sample-size Products Specifically for New Mama's, like nipple ointments, breast pads, and more.
The total retail value of this New Mama Gift Set is over $60. If you know a new mama or if you are having a new baby, pamper yourself by entering this Giveaway. Entry is very easy and we will randomly choose one lucky entries on July 1, 2010.
Here's how to enter:
First, you must complete the Mandatory Entry. Subscribe by email via Feedburner (find the link in the right hand column). You must confirm your subscription by clicking on the link that Feedburner will email to you right after you submit your subscription request. Then just post a comment below to let me know that you have subscribed, include your email address in the comment. Type your email address like this to avoid being picked up by bots: anna at thebabystoreplus dot com.
(Unconfirmed emails will not count towards the mandatory entry, No other entries will be valid until this entry is completed.)
Additional Entries: (You can do any or all of these, post a separate comment for each.)
1 Entry: Tell me who you would like to win the 'New Mama Gift Set' for. If it is for yourself, share your due date so we can all celebrate with you!
2 Entries: Visit our web store and tell me what other product we carry that you think would be great for a new mama. [Be sure to post each entry in a separate comment, example: I think a new mama would love your ...." Entry #1 (#2)].
1 Entry: Follow us on Twitter @BabyStorePlus! (include your Twitter name in the comment)
1 Entry: Tweet about this Giveaway! You can tweet up to 3 times per day, no more often then every 4 hours, please post your comment right away after you tweet. (I cannot accept "tweeted last night, or earlier today" because it's too hard for me to find them). Please include a permalink to your tweet so I can find it easier.
Your Tweet must include at least this (feel free to add to it):
@BabyStorePlus Wants to Pamper A New Mama ~WIN a New Mama Gift Set! http://ht.ly/1XDD4 ARV $60
1 Entry: Become a Public Follower of our Blog.
2 Entries: Grab my Button! It must be located on your home page and where I can find it within a fairly quick time, (not #56 in a long blog roll). Comment separately for each entry #1 (#2), include a link to your blog.
5 Entries: Blog about this Giveaway! (Only valid for bloggers with at least 25 public followers)
Your blog post must include: 1) "The Baby Store Plus Likes to Pamper a New Mama ~Gift Set Giveaway" and a link back to this blog post; 2) A mention of The Baby Store Plus Online Shop and a link to the online store (http://shop.thebabystoreplus.com or any page in our online shop). [post each entry in a separate comment and include a link back to your blog post, example: I blogged! http://myblog..blogspot.com, entry #1(#2,#3, etc.)]
10 Entries: Make a Purchase in our Online Store! Include your first name and invoice number of your paid order in the comment. Be sure to post each entry in a separate comment, example: I ordered from your store, Anna, invoice #1999, Entry #1 (#2, #3, etc).
Entry is open until Midnight (MST) on June 30, 2010. We will choose a winner on July 1, 2010 using random.org to pick the lucky winner. We will verify the comment at that time and send the lucky winner an email at the address provide. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to that email. If we do not hear back from the winner within that time period we will select an alternate winner.
© 2009-2010 The Baby Store Plus, All Rights Reserved
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To post a comment, click on the word COMMENT below.