We just received a large shipment from Melissa & Doug. Have you heard of this toy company before? They are known for their quality products at affordable prices and so much more. I will have all of the new products added to our website (and store shelves) very soon, but I really wanted to make a special post to highlight a few of my personal favorites today. They are the Metal Shopping Cart and the Magnetic Responsibility Chart.

We were so impressed with the quality of the shopping cart that I knew it was definitely a product I wanted to offer my customers. It is made of real metal, just like the real carts. It also has the fold down plastic seat for a 'baby doll', just like the real carts. The wheels are beefy rubber and swivel in the front, just like the real carts! The only real difference between this cart and a real-thing is that this one is just the right size for little ones.
It is super easy to assemble with just a hex key, that is also included. And best of all, it is totally affordable at just $49.95! This toy is so sturdy, I think I could probably sit in the basket and be pushed around without hurting it one bit...although I am not admitting to doing that, nor am I recommending that you do it.
The Metal Shopping Cart is Now Available in our Online Store as well as our physical store in Cortez, Colorado.
The other featured Melissa & Doug product is the Magnetic Responsibility Chart. It is really more than a chart of chores...it is an aide to teach your children about personal responsibility too. The wood framed chart boards (there are two boards) are each approximately 16" wide by 12" tall. They are hinged together with 2 sturdy straps, with the dry-erase board in the lower position.

The lower board is a dry-erase board and is also magnetic so it makes for a great place to keep your yet-unused magnets. As your child accomplishes each Responsibility or Goal, you take a magnet dot from the lower section that best fits the praise you wish to give, and place it on that day. Then your child can easily see how well they have been doing all week long. I love how the chart uses positive reinforcement rather than 'a list of chores'.
This is also great for children that are not even reading yet because each magnet has images that depict the task or activity and the reward dots have different happy faces with each written compliment for their behavior. If I were going to take one of the Reward Dots and use it to rate this product, I think I would choose 'AWESOME!"
The Magnetic Responsibility Chart is now available in our Online Store for $19.95 each. It is recommended for kids ages 3 years and up.
Look for more Featured Newest Arrivals to be posted all this week (and probably even next week too)...as I am working as fast as I can get them added to our website.
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