Chop the apples roughly and place in a saucepan.
Pour in about one inch of water - (you could use apple juice instead, but this will contain sugar).
Bring the apples to a boil, then reduce the heat.
Cover and simmer slowly until the apple chunks are tender .
DON'T cook the apples to the point where the mixture actually looks like applesauce! Cooking it this long will cause it to be watery and tasteless.
Instead, remove the apple chunks from the pan and either puree them or mash them well. Thin with a little cooking water if necessary.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg and serve warm or - as a soothing treat for teething babies - nice and cold.
baby food
best baby care
Luckily there are many power packed veggies to choose from for your baby. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, broccoli, and carrots are full of vitamin A (beta-carotene) which is vital to healthy eyesight, normal cell development, immune defenses and more. Nerve and muscle processes both rely heavily on thiamin and green peas are a good source. Red sweet peppers, green peepers, and broccoli contain high amounts of vitamin C, an antioxidant which also assists in iron absorption. Calcium is an integral part of bone structure and plays a major role in blood clotting, maintaining blood pressure and much more. Broccoli, lima beans, soybeans, and squash are healthy choices if you’re aiming for calcium.
Vegetable Preparation & Serving
Cooking up a batch of vegetables for your baby can save you money (those tiny jars don’t come cheap) and can save your baby nutrients. Commercial baby foods are perfectly safe but some have added water, starch, or sugar which can dilute the nutrients your baby is receiving. Plus you can quickly whip up a batch of veggies while you cook for the rest of your family.
To make babyfood at home all you really need are fresh or frozen vegetables, a knife, and a fork. If you make a lot of homemade babyfood you could invest in some kitchen tools that make life easier such as a blender, babyfood grinder, food mill, or food processor. To make babyfood just pit and peel vegetables, cook in microwave or on stovetop until very tender, and mash up. To create a purée style food with only a fork you can mix in small amount of breast milk or formula until it’s the right consistency. Freeze homemade babyfood in ice cube trays and pop one or two cubes out per serving. You can save babyfood in the freezer for one month and freshly made in the fridge for three days.
baby nutrition: baby food tips
Here’s the latest guidance from the Department of Health on when to start trying baby food: Baby can sit up shows interest in solid food picks up food and puts it in his or her mouth wants to chew and may have teeth appears to still be hungry even though you’ve tried increasing milk feeds. Solid foods would not be introduced before the end of baby’s fourth month (at 17 weeks). If you decide to introduce your baby to solid food before six months, there are many foods which should be avoided. These include foods which contain wheat, gluten, eggs, fish, shellfish, liver, citrus fruits, soft and unpasteurized cheeses.
The Department of Health stresses mums should ask health visitors for advice if planning to start weaning before six months, particularly if baby was premature.
Remember that milk is a food, not a drink, so once your baby is on solids he'll need extra fluids to drink. Cooled freshly boiled water is best although you can add a few drops of pure, unsweetened fruit juice, such as apple (not citrus). Don't give him fruit squashes.
Post Pregnancy Exercises
Not the Time to Diet
As you enter the postpartum phase, one of the first things you should do is make changes to your nutrition program to reflect your body’s changing nutritional needs. Most importantly, pay attention to your calories. Healthy Weight Loss
That’s not to say that you can’t or won’t lose weight during this time. If you happen to lose weight as the result of a balanced diet and moderate activity (as your doctor allows), that’s great! It just shouldn’t be the focus of your dietary and exercise decisions.
If you’re breastfeeding and want to lose weight (after nursing has been established and is going well) do so gradually (about 1/2 -1 pound weekly). Eat a nutritious diet, exercise daily and cut back on foods high in fat and sugar (such as potato chips, cookies, candy, soft drinks, and fried foods). Do not try diet pills, liquid diets, or other weight loss products. Not only do they not work, but they can also be harmful to you and your baby.
After six to eight weeks, talk to your doctor; if your body has recovered and your energy levels are sustained, it may be to start losing weight.
Post-Pregnancy Nutrition food
As you have probably already guessed, unfortunately, the answer to that question is “No.”
Even if you’re not breastfeeding, you’ll still be “eating for two” in many ways. Nursing moms need to monitor their menus and watch for changes in their baby’s behavior. And both nursing and formula-feeding moms are going to need plenty of energy, strength, stamina, alertness, endurance, and drive over the coming months. That means loading up on nutrients and eating a well-balanced diet.
While pregnant, BabyFit set your daily caloric needs about 300 calories higher than your normal (non-pregnant) weight maintenance level. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll want to bump that up by another 100 calories for the first couple of months (for a total of 400 above normal). If you’re formula-feeding, you can simply subtract that extra 300 calories. more infor mationn After six to eight weeks, talk to your doctor; if your body has recovered and your energy levels are sustained, it may be okay to start losing weight.
Post Pregnancy Weight Loss
"famine insurance" if you will. If you don't breastfeed, guess what? That 9 pounds stays. Several studies show that nursing Moms return to their prepregnancy weight more quickly. Nursing also helps your uterus contract back to its prepregnancy size faster. Plus you'll have a nicer decolletage to boot!- Talk a walk every day: Walking is probably the perfect exercise for new Moms. It's not stressful on your joints (which are still loosey-goosey from the pregnancy hormones for a while after you give birth). It's free and doesn't require a babysitter or any special equipment. It gets you out in the sun, which helps regulates your sleep/wake cycle, causing you and baby to sleep better at night and possibly helping prevent postpartum depression. And you can do it with a friend. If you're sleep deprived and can't bear the thoughts of exercise, call up a buddy and make a date with her to walk several mornings a week. Then you can treat yourselves to Starbucks and gossip afterwards. In addition to the many other benefits, using a baby sling or other soft cloth carrier and wearing your baby will burn lots of calories during the day as you do your household chores or care for other children. It also makes it easier for you to be active. You'll be less tempted to sit around Throwing on a sling and sitting baby inside it is much easier than lugging out and setting up a heavy stroller.
Post-Pregnancy Nutrition
Most women are concerned with losing those extra pounds gained during pregnancy. The good news is that not only is breast-feeding the best food for your baby for the first four to six month but it also helps mom to lose fat gained during pregnancy. You can safely lose about 1 pound a week without interfering with your infant's growth.
• It helps shrink your uterus to its pre-pregnancy size. • It saves time and effort; no bottle, mixing or heating is needed. • Traveling and night feedings are easier. • It saves money. • It gives you special time to bond with your baby. • It is the healthest way to feed your baby, and can have lasting effects ont their immune system. For more information on the benefits of breastfeeding,
Calorie needs are increased during breastfeeding due to the extra energy required to produce milk. A woman should consume an extra 500 calories per day. What does 500 calories look like?
500 calories • 1 1/2 cup cereal • 1 cup skim milk • 1 piece toast with butter • 1/2 cup juice
500 calories • 1 glass skim milk • 1 oz potato chips • 1 medium apple
500 calories • 1/2 cup green beans • 1 slice bread with butter • 1 cup skim milk • 1/2 cup canned fruit
How Much to Drink Be sure to drink at least 8-12 cups per day.
Try filling up a pitcher of water with your day's amount of fluid and make sure it is empty before going to bed. If you drink juice, milk or other fluids you can take the same amount out of your pitcher
How Much to Drink
Be sure to drink at least 8-12 cups per day.
Try filling up a pitcher of water with your day's amount of fluid and make sure it is empty before going to bed. If you drink juice, milk or other fluids you can take the same amount out of your pitcher
Post-pregnancy: Get back into shape
Recovery period
Wait six weeks or so to give your body some time to recover from labour and birth before you even think about slimming. After all, you will be about 12lb (5.5kg) lighter straight after the birth! Annette Briley, a midwife for Tommy’s, the baby charity, said: “Often fitness instructors won’t take on women until they’ve had their six week postnatal check up at their hospital. Also, if women have had a caesarean, it’ll mean they will have to wait longer before embarking on physical activity.”
Be realistic and give it time
Not all of us can have personal trainers and dieticians to help slim down like Elizabeth Hurley and Victoria Beckham. It sounds obvious but remember that your body changes shape during pregnancy. It may be difficult to return to your exact pre-pregnancy weight. You should be prepared for weight loss to take between 10 months and a year. If you had a caesarean it could take longer still.
Do NOT go on a strict diet
The first few months of motherhood are hectic, so make sure you eat a variety of foods that will give you the fuel and nutrients needed to keep you going as long as your baby. Rapid weight loss can pose a danger to your baby because it releases toxins - normally stored in your body fat - into the bloodstream, increasing the amount of these contaminants that wind up in your milk. Ms Briley also noted: “It could influence lactation, meaning the amount of milk they’re producing may reduce.” The good news is extra fat laid down in pregnancy is used to make breast milk, so breastfeeding will help you get back into shape quicker.
What to eat
Include the following in your diet:
Plenty of fruit and vegetables. Starchy foods such as bread and pasta for energy. Fibre, found in wholegrain bread and cereals to help with bowel problems. Also include protein such as lean meat and chicken, and fish at least twice a week. Dairy foods for essential calcium. Drink eight glasses of water a day. Take a supplement of 10 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin D each day.
If breastfeeding do not eat oily fish more than twice a week. Fish like tuna has high levels of mercury. Restrict fat and sugar. If you are physically active, the pounds should gradually drop off.
Midwife Ms Briley recommends that women should return gradually to exercise after they give birth. She said: “Postnatally, a woman’s body strength and stamina is actually very different to how it was before they were pregnant. As their fitness level is a lot lower, it’s best to ease into exercise gently by enrolling on a specific postnatal exercise class.”
Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby
- Get early prenatal care, even before you're pregnant.
- Eat a well-balanced diet, including a vitamin supplement that contains folic acid.
- Exercise regularly with your doctor's permission.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit drugs, and limit caffeine.
- Avoid x-rays, hot tubs, and saunas.
- Avoid infections.
Getting Good Care for best baby
When it comes to medical care and pregnancy, you can never start too early.
"The best start to having a healthy baby is to see your health-care provider before you conceive," says Richard Schwarz, M.D., an obstetrician and national consultant for the March of Dimes.
"There are lots of things you can do ahead of time."You can make sure you're immune to rubella [German measles], you can know your blood type, you can stop smoking and make sure your diet is healthy, and you can get any illnesses you might have under control."
Once you're pregnant, your health professional--either an obstetrician, family practitioner, nurse-practitioner, or nurse-midwife--will have you begin with monthly visits that increase to once a week or more at the end.
At each visit, the physician or nurse will perform a series of examinations and tests to determine the health of the mother and baby. These include measuring the growth of the uterus, listening to the baby's heartbeat, taking the mother's blood pressure and weight, and checking her urine for evidence of protein or sugar, which could be symptoms of complications. The care provider will ask the mother if she has any concerns or problems such as blurred vision, leg cramps, abdominal cramps, or unusual headaches. The mother may also undergo ultrasound and genetic tests during the pregnancy.
Although prenatal visits may seem simple and even mundane, their importance can't be overestimated. Years of research have shown that pregnant women who get adequate prenatal care are more likely to have healthy babies and fewer complications during labor and recovery. "We know that pregnancy outcomes are better in women with early prenatal care."
Eating for Two
Good nutrition is another crucial step in having a healthy baby. A pregnancy takes about 300 extra calories a day to maintain, and an average-sized woman can expect to gain between 25 and 35 pounds overall.
Those extra calories should be nutritious ones, however. A pregnant woman needs a balanced diet complete with protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and a minimum of sweets and fats.
"Good nutrition is extremely important even before a pregnancy," says Shirley Blakely, Ph.D., a registered dietitian with the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. "If nature favors the growing fetus, the mother will suffer if she hasn't had a good diet."
According to the March of Dimes, a pregnant woman should increase her daily food portions to include:
- 6 to 11 servings of breads and other whole grains
- 3 to 5 servings of vegetables
- 2 to 4 servings of fruits
- 4 to 6 servings of milk and milk products
- 3 to 4 servings of meat and protein foods
- 6 to 8 glasses of water, and no more than one soft drink or cup of coffee per day to limit caffeine.
Some nutrients have been found to provide specific benefit to mother or child. For example, the B vitamins have been found to be especially important. One of them, folate, or its synthetic form, folic acid, can reduce the risk of birth defects of the brain and spinal cord, called the "neural tube."
Baby care
1. Infant formula is the only suitable alternative to breastmilk. It is modified to meet baby’s needs and must always be mixed according to the directions on the container.
2. Babies don’t need to start on other foods until they are ready which is normally around the age of six months. The ideal first food is a baby cereal mixed with baby’s regular milk, followed by fruit and vegetable purees introduced one at a time. In the beginning baby needs to be offered his regular milk (breast or formula) before he is offered solids.
3. Introduce lumpy foods after three to five weeks of pureed food. Gradually make it more and more lumpy because this will help baby learn to chew even if she has no teeth. Add finger foods to baby’s diet around about eight months. By the time baby reaches her first birthday she should be eating regular family food with some modifications. Ready made baby food in cans, jars or frozen is ideal as an occasional meal but is not suitable for everyday use.
4. Keep meal times relaxed, offer baby a variety of healthy choices and never force him to ‘eat up’. If he is hungry you can always offer him more.
5. Babies don’t need sugary foods, salty, fatty foods or fast foods. Low fat foods are also not acceptable, baby needs nutritious choices.
6. Soft drinks are not suitable for babies or toddlers. Milk and water are all baby needs with occasional juice drinks, watered down 50/50. At meal times baby should be offered water to drink.
7. Iron and calcium are important nutrients in a baby’s diet. Iron can be found in breast milk, lean meat, chicken, eggs, fish, legumes, fortified baby cereals, wholegrain cereals, dried fruits and dark green leafy vegetables. Calcium is found in breast milk and infant formula, dairy products, calcium fortified soy products, tinned sardines and salmon.
8. Learn to read the labels on food you buy in the supermarket. Ingredients are listed in order with the greatest quantity first. If you find ingredients you would not normally put into your baby’s meal then don’t buy the product.
9. Be careful when you prepare the family’s food. Always wash your hands before handling food and keep raw and cooked foods separate. You can find out more about hygiene and food
Sweet Potato and Carrot Pie Without the Crust (Baby Food)
1 sweet potato
1 carrot, finely grated
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1 egg
1 tablespoon raisins (optional)
grated nutmeg (optional)
For 8-12 month-olds or omit raisins for younger children:
In microwave oven, cook sweet potato at 100 percent for 5 minutes, or longer if it is very big. Prick the skin before cooking. Carefully remove the meat of the potato. In a bowl, mix in the carrot and yogurt, then the egg; blend until smooth. Add the raisins and nutmeg sprinkle if you are using them. If the mixture appears dry, add another tablespoon yogurt.
Cook at 100 percent, uncovered, for 2 minutes. Stir, cook 1-1/2 minutes more. Let rest 2 to 3 minutes. This tastes best if served as soon as it cools. Serve with a dollop of cold yogurt.
Yield: 2 cups
Healthy and nutrition food
Apples, pears, carrots, cabbages and other harder foods may be softened by cooking. You can maintain the nutritional content of these foods by boiling or steaming them. Steaming is recommended since it preserves nutrients more efficiently.
Add a little boiled water to the ingredients you have and blend them into a paste or puree. Add adequate liquid to enable you to get a smoother, more liquid-like consistency in the beginning. Later, as your baby grows, you can lessen the quantity of water to make it harder. Once your baby is about 9 months old, you may also use milk instead of water as a base to blend the food.
Important Dos and don't s At this vulnerable age, your baby is easily susceptible to and diseases. Guard against a chance infection by maintaining a strict level of hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your baby's food items or the utensils.
At this point there is no need to add sugar, salt, or any garnishing to your baby's food. Your baby may react adversely to even the slightest amount of spices, so it is important to avoid them. Do not give your baby food that is either too hot or too cold. Food which is slightly warmer than room temperature is ideal for your baby.
Do not heat your baby's food in a microwave, as this may cause the food to warm unevenly, causing some portions to overheat and leaving others cold.
When introducing solid food, at around six to seven months, this food will only complement the baby's regular feeds with breast milk or formula. Only after about a year or even longer, should the baby be completely transitioned to solid food.
Baby's Diseases: How to Protect your Child
Physical appearance:
HeadThe head may look pointed due of pressure during birth. It would become normal in two weeks. When you touch on the top of your , you can feel a soft spot. This is the part where the bones of the skull have not joined together. It becomes normal when your child is 16-18months
You will find little marks, spots and rashes, red or greenish blue on the skin of your new born baby. This is completely normal and some babies may have more than others. Skin may be peeling on the hands and feet and some babies may have noticeable downy body hair. But all these will disappear on their own accord.
Hands and Feet
The fingernails of the baby seems long at birth. The legs look bowed as he had been lying curled in the womb.
The eyes may look as if they are squinting. This is very common in the first months. Puffy or blood shot eyes should be checked by the
The nose may appear flat as the bone hasn't yet fully developed.
Most of the babies genitals look large. There may have a milky discharge from the breasts and sometimes blood or discharge from the vagina in a baby girl. This is because of an infusion of mother's the placenta, just before birth. This is perfectly normal and will soon disappear.
Mental Ability :
Mostly all babies are awake and alert during the first few hours after birth. They are attracted to human sights especially faces and human sounds. They have a grasp reflex and sucking reflex. If an object is placed in his palm he involuntarily clenches his fists around it, likewise if the newborn is placed near his mothers breast, the baby will seek the nipple and begin to suck. Babies can see now, although objects may be blurred. They may respond to a sudden loud noise and to human voice, but not to ordinary sounds.
Baby's Diseases: How to Protect your Child
If you think that diseases are only for adults, think again! Babies are prone to a host of diseases and are more susceptible to them than adults. That is why it is very critical for parents to immunize their babies against these diseases at the right time. Neglecting to do so might make you regret it for a long time to come. It is important for parents to keep a chart in order to track when and what injections should be given. Otherwise it can get quite confusing and you may end up missing out on a particular vaccination. If you are keen to know more details about these diseases, their symptoms and how to avoid them or cure them, please browse through the links provided for you along the left panel on our site.
So what are the common but dangerous diseases that babies should be protected against? We will go through a few of them in brief just to give you an overview.
Chicken Pox is one of the most common diseases that children get especially between the ages of 3 and 6. It is caused by a virus and though it is not highly dangerous, sufficient care should be taken during the infection period. A child can get this infection just by being in contact with another person who is infected.
Typhoid is quite a serious condition because if it is not treated properly and at the right time, it
can lead to various complications. This bacteria is mainly transmitted to humans from contaminated food and water. Fever is the most common symptom of this disease and it can be treated with antibiotics. Vaccinations are also available these days and should be taken every three years.
Tetanus is a fatal disease again cause by bacteria which affects the nervous system in the human body. It is mainly contracted through a wound which comes in contact with soil or grime which contains animal feces. The main symptom is locked jaw. To prevent tetanus, any wound should be cleaned immediately with antiseptic lotion and it is best to get a tetanus shot to be on the safe side.
Polio is another disease that can be prevented in children by giving the vaccinations at the proper time. It is a virus which affects the nervous system and leads to paralysis. From the time a bay is born till the age of six, a child should ideally receive four doses of the Polio vaccine.
Then there are others like Mumps, Measles and Diphtheria for all of which vaccines are available. Small-pox has been eradicated and therefore vaccines are not given these days though it is available.
Parents should ensure that they do not miss the boosters for the vaccinations that the children are taking. They should follow the plan given by the doctors and should not drop it in between. If proper care is taken, many of these diseases can be avoided. We encourage you to read more of these diseases so as to prevent your children from contracting the same.
Brest Milk – Best for kids’ Brain
Food for baby
Babies should begin eating liquid style baby food, sometimes mixed with rice cereal and formula. Then as baby is better able to chew, small, soft pieces or lumps may be included. Care should be taken, as babies with teeth have the ability to break of pieces of food but they do not possess the back molars to grind, so parents should carefully mash or break baby food into manageable pieces for baby. Around 9 months of age, babies may begin to feed themselves (picking up food pieces with hands, using the pincer grasp- thumb and forefinger) with help from parents.
It is often recommended to give a baby solid food at around 6 months of age, but babies differ greatly. The only good way to know when to introduce baby food is to watch for signs of readiness in the child. Signs of readiness include the ability to sit without help and the display of active interest in food that others are eating. A baby may be started directly on normal family food if attention is given to choking hazards. Because breast milk takes on the flavor of foods eaten by the mother, these foods are especially good choices.
Loop at last
Anyway, here is the Loop Shawl (ravelry) from "Sensual Knits", though I know it's not much of a loop or much of a shawl at this point.
I just enjoyed this stitch pattern so much that I didn't want to stop, graft the stitches and make it a circular shawl. Plus, I wanted a bright scarf that would provide a much-needed pop of color on top of my wide assortment of gray and black coats. But really, I found the pattern addictive.
I felt like the stitches really popped in this yarn, Shelridge Farm Soft Touch in cardinal. But I totally need a better way to block shawls! My blocking board seems like a postage stamp by comparison.
I know it's been well documented elsewhere, but the Spiders really brought it for Katy's babywarming. Oh, the mimosas!
And here is Katy, along with bouncing baby Peter, admiring the progressive log cabin we made for them. Yeah, I think that's the kind of reaction we were hoping for.
10 months baby food
babies over 8 months) Cook one egg in simmering water 15 to 20 minutes. Remove shell. Remove yolk and mash with 1 tablespoon of formula or water until smooth. Serve or freeze. Freeze no longer than 1 month.
Note: Use only the yolk. Avoid feeding egg whites until 1 year to avoid problems with allergies. Use the extra egg white in the family’s casseroles, salads or sandwiches. Your Choice Combo Dish
(for babies over 8 months) cooked, cubed or diced meat (cut off fat)
1/2 cup cooked rice, potato, noodles or macaroni
2/3 cup cooked, diced vegetables
3/4 to 1 cup liquid (formula, broth or water) Combine and blend until smooth. Serve or freeze in serving-size containers. If frozen, use within 1 month. Note: If you prepare combination dishes, use them only after you have fed the individual food several times. Creamy Custard
(for babies over 1 year) 3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups milk, warmed Mix egg yolks and sugar. Stir in milk and mix well. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture coats the spoon.
good food for baby
With a little planning, and a blender, a fork, a strainer, a food mill or a baby food grinder, you can make foods for your baby at home. Homemade infant food may help cut food costs, and provide baby with food as nutritious, if not more nutritious, than store-bought baby foods. Making your own baby food will also help baby get used to foods the family eats.
Pureed fruits and vegetables can be prepared from fresh-cooked fruits and vegetables. Use the cooked fruits and vegetables without added salt, sugar or fat. Puree means to put food through a sieve or grinder to make the food into a liquid-like, smooth texture. Some foods, like ripe bananas, can be mashed or pureed with a fork and won’t need to be precooked. It may be necessary to add some fluid (formula, breast milk, water or cooking water) to other pureed food to make it the right consistency for your baby.
Canned or frozen fruits and vegetables may also be pureed and used. When using commercially processed canned or frozen fruits and vegetables, check the ingredient label. Make sure you are not adding extra sugar, salt and fat to your baby’s diet. Other unnecessary additives may also be in canned or frozen foods.
Homemade infant food may help cut food costs, and provide baby with food as nutritious, if not more nutritious, than store-bought baby foods. |
Some commonly home-prepared fruits for babies are ripe mashed bananas, and pureed bananas and applesauce. Dried prunes that have been cooked and pureed are another food for baby. Fresh pears or peaches in season may also be soft-cooked and pureed. Fresh vegetables that can be home prepared and pureed include potato, winter squash, sweet potato, peas, asparagus, and green or wax beans.
Later, when baby is between 8 months through 11 months, table food can be added to her diet. By that time, your baby will be able to move her tongue from side to side, and will have begun to spoon feed herself with your help. She’ll also start chewing with her new teeth, and feed herself with her fingers. With your help, she will also drink from a cup.
At this stage, try feeding mashed or diced fruit, soft cooked or mashed vegetables; mashed, cooked egg yolk; strained meats or poultry; mashed, cooked dry beans and peas; cottage cheese or cheese cubes; sliced bread; crackers; and juice in a cup.
Tips for Making Homemade Baby Food
- Work under the most sanitary conditions possible.
- Wash your hands with hot water and soap, scrub, rinse and dry with clean towel before fixing your baby’s food, before feeding your baby, and after changing your baby’s diapers.
- Scrub all working surfaces with soap and hot water.
- Scrub all equipment with soap and hot water, and rinse well.
- Prepare fresh fruits or vegetables by scrubbing, paring or peeling, and removing seeds.
- Prepare meats by removing all bones, skin, connective tissue, gristle and fat.
- Cook foods, when necessary, boiling them in a small, covered saucepan with a small amount of water until tender. The amount of water is important — the less water used, the more nutrients stay in the food.
- Puree food using a blender, food processor, baby food grinder, spoon or fork. Grind up tough foods. Cut food into small pieces or thin slices. Take out seeds and pits from fruit.
- Test for smoothness by rubbing a small amount of food between your fingers. Add a liquid such as formula, water or fruit juice to achieve a desired consistency.
- If pureed food is not being used right away, refrigerate quickly.
- To freeze: pour cooled, pureed food into a paper cupcake liner or a section of a clean ice cube tray, and cover with foil. When frozen solid, store cubes in a freezer container in the freezer in a freezer bag or box.
- Reheat frozen cube in a heat-resistant container in a pan of hot water.
- When cooking foods for the family, remember to separate the baby’s portion before adding seasoning or spices. Babies need very little, if any, added salt or sugar
best baby food&care
- Thoroughly wash any fresh vegetables or fruits that you've purchased in the produce section to remove dirt and possible pesticides.
- Steam or boil the fruit or vegetable. You will want the food to be mushy if your baby has just started on solids. If your baby has been eating for a couple of months you can cook the food until it is easily pierced with a fork to allow a thicker consistency.
- Puree the food in a blender or food processor, or process with a food mill until the food reaches the right consistency for your child's stage of eating.
- Strain the food to remove any stray peels. Alternately, before cooking food, you can remove the peels at that time to avoid this step.
- Spoon the pureed food into ice cube trays and cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer. When the cubes are frozen, you can put them in ziplock bags or another food storage container. Be sure to label with the type of food and the date it was prepared.
- When it's time to eat, remove as many cubes as you need and allow to thaw or thaw in the microwave.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables are always best, but you can also use frozen or canned. Canned fruits are especially good to use when fresh fruits are out of season.
- When your baby is just beginning to eat solids, remember to introduce only one food at a time to identify possible allergies. As your child gets older and you know which foods have been tolerated well, you can start to blend two or three different fruits or vegetables together.
- Use few additives such as salt, sugar or preservatives. Your baby doesn't need them, and some -- such as lemon juice -- can cause an allergic reaction in very young babies.
- Some fruits do not need to be steamed or cooked, such as kiwi fruit and bananas.
- Some good fruits and vegetables to start out with are apples, plums, pears, apricots, peaches, bananas, carrots, peas, green beans, butternut squash and sweet potatoes.
six month baby food
Many people bypass baby food altogether and make their own, often altering table foods to serve the baby. You do need to be careful in the table foods that you serve. At six months your son's repertoire of foods can't be too large. Therefore, you need to be sure you don't inadvertently introduce more than one new food at a time by, for example, offering him some of the casserole that contains several foods that he may not have seen before. If he had an adverse reaction to the casserole, you wouldn't be able to pinpoint the culprit food.
Be sure you alter the texture, so that it is easily gummed and swallowed. Baby food in a jar is pureed to accommodate the developmental stage of a baby's ability to chew and swallow. Be highly sensitive to that when you smash table food, to be sure that it is not too thick or too chewy, or too hard.
Do a little taste test yourself to see if you can gum it and swallow it easily.
Your son is most likely not at the stage where he mimics the up and down and side to side chewing motion of an adult. Until he does, you will want to be sure all his foods are soft cooked and mashed.