Now you wiil start solid food for baby

Making the transition from breast or bottle to solid foods is a big event for both you and baby. Starting on solid foods is not just about nutrition; it is baby's exciting introduction to the world of new flavors and to the enjoyment of chewing and eating.
Here are some tips for starting out on the right foot with solid foods.

Track your baby's solid-foods progress with the chart below. Start baby on just one new food at a time. Watch for reactions. Then, after about five days, try another food. If baby doesn't like a food, give her a week, then try again

Baby care in ayurvedha

Ayurveda suggests pregnant women take herbs like shatavari. It improves the immune system of the mother and the baby. Chyavanaprash nutritional supplement is also suggested for the healthy growth of the fetus. Whole grain food items, milk, honey, ghee etc are also recommended for pregnant women.
The branch of Ayurveda that deals with pregnancy is Prasoothi Tantra. It tells about the nutrition and exercises a woman must follow during pregnancy. Ante natal care in Ayurveda includes suggestion of simple exercises, lifestyle balance etc to give a healthful, beautiful child. There are specific herbs and nutrition to take during different stages of pregnancy. Towards the end of pregnancy, there will be different processes going on to make labor easier.

Post natal care includes caring the mother and baby with medicated oil massages. Mother is also given herbal decoctions, medicines and nutrient supplements for immunity, proper actation and quick return to health. The baby is also given proper massages to open up
the pores of the skin, strengthen immunity and for complexion of skin.

baby care-nutrition

Parents, especially mother should take nutritional diet, do modest levels of exercise and avoid stress. This is necessary for good health of the baby.

What a wonder ful seen in my baby blog

True story from the show "Jon & Kate Plus Eight".. They are cute aren't they? The 6 babies are 3 years old now. Smarter and cheeky! Haahahah…. See how big they are already…
I got this in formation link from fun& funonly

At long last -- my wedding capelet

You've seen the bridesmaid shawls -- now here's mine!

Let's face it -- I get married in a week and a half, so it's probably going to be too warm for a shawl. But a knitting bride needs a knit shawl. Because my dress is lace, I didn't want to overdo it with a lacey shawl, so I wanted instead something with some texture and structure, something that mimicked a little coat or cape. But my search went nowhere.

So, I whipped this up myself, picking up a few skeins of an embarrassing yarn that matched my gown very well. (I've been carrying a swatch around in my purse for five months.) I then recalled, rather randomly, that I always loved the wrong side of my circular shrug. (ravelry) In that pattern, the right side is knit, purl, knit, and the wrong side is knit, slip with the yarn forward, knit. I'm not sure what it says about me that I like the wrong side better -- that's kind of like preferring the cookie to the white stuff in an Oreo. Here's a closeup:

I didn't get a good shot of the closure, but basically it's four little clear buttons. If there is interest, I can write up a little pattern.

Anyway, here I am, the realization that my wedding is so close dawning on me as I wear a loud dress from Target.

Looking back at my circular shawl, I realized that I have completely abandoned what was once a regular feature on this here blog: the dumbest thing I did all week. Anybody even remember that? Anyway, there's a lot of competition since work and wedding stress have slammed directly into each other. But I think this takes the cake. I went to my dentist on the upper East Side yesterday and decided to walk across Central Park to take the C train downtown to work. Well, you know how pedestrian paths in Central Park tend to kind of meander around? So I wander for a while and eventually see the street in front of me and actually think, "Huh, why is Fifth Avenue on the west side?" Um, yeah, I had walked in a circle and ended up back on the East Side.

Child care center

Full-day child care centers offer care and educational activities to groups of children in non-residential settings. They are often open all day and all year long to cover the hours needed by working parents. They offer children a place to play and learn away from home, with staff who are trained in child development. Most serve children from 3 to 5 years old. Some are designed just for infants, or just for school-age children. Others combine these different age groups. Some full-day child care centers now offer part-time options for parents who don’t need full-time care for their children.

Baby care and food information for new parents

The thought of becoming a parent can be one of the most exciting thoughts for a young couple, especially if they are newly married. Starting a family is something that many couples seriously think about, though many will often forget that good parenting can be a lot of work. The work is little trouble for parents who enjoy being close to their children and who cultivate healthy relationships with their spouses and children. A large part in creating strong bonds within a family and having healthy relationships between all involved is good communication. Many families have run into trouble as a result of poor com
munication, which can lead to misunderstandings and even the breakup of a family.

Child care

Baby food is any substance that provide extra energy to baby. It is made between the ages of six months to two years for infants. Baby food comes in various varieties with different tastes and manufacturers. Baby food can be in the form of liquid paste, soft or a chewed food easily, because infants may experience in eating and lack of teeth.

Some babies want food other than milk due to different baby. There is not food pyramid for infants. When the child has teeth, he/she begins to eat solid food.

Things to Keep In Mind

All children are different and never tolerate the same type of foods daily. Therefore, parents should offer different types of food to their baby. Later they can give a combination of fresh vegetables and fruits.

When to offer solid foods to baby?

At the age between 4 to 6 months, Cereals is good for baby. In 7 th months, parents can start give fresh vegetables to their babies. Next month, they can introduce fresh fruits and juice of fruits. After 10 th month, cheese, egg yolks and yogurt will be provided to child.

Baby food safety
• Always clean your hands and feeding equipment while
preparing baby food.
• Parents must be taken special care when making baby foods.
• Do not let baby food more than two hours at room.
• Freeze or refrigerate baby food immediately.

How to make baby food?

• Firstly, wash dirty hands and utensils for making baby food.
•Prepare fresh vegetables and fruits by peeling, removing seeds or pits and scrubbing.
• Always cook food in a small quantity of water. Always baby food may be baked or steamed.
• Do not add honey, sugar or any form of sweetener.
• Do not add salt or seasonings in baby food. Mash or puree cooked baby food.

Importent of breast milk

1Breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula is the only food a baby needs until 4-6 months of age. Breast milk is the best food for baby. However, iron-fortified infant formula also provides babies with all the nutrients they need to grow.

2 Be sure formula is prepared according to package directions. Mixing formula with too much or too little water can cause serious health problems and even death in young babies.

3 Avoid adding cereal to the baby's bottle. Adding cereal means the baby will not getting the formula needed. Cereal in a bottle can cause choking in young babies.
4 Avoid adding juice or other sweetened drinks to the bottle. Although babies like the sweet taste of juice and other beverages, these drinks fill them up and take the place of more nutritious breast milk or formula that babies need. Babies may be offered liquid from a cup between the ages of 6-8 months.
5 Avoid starting solid foods early. This may mean that the baby will not drink enough milk and not get the calcium, protein, and iron that are so important for growth. These nutrients are in the right amount in breast milk and iron-fortified formula.


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