Now, you'll note that my funnel neck is less wide and funnel-y than the original. Perhaps this is because I used Cascade 220 heathers instead of the recommended Peace Fleece Worsted. I also had to re-block and shrink the neck because it was wide enough to fit around Roger Clemens' neck on the first go.
But while the neck isn't as stiff and stylish as the original, it is now flexible enough for me to subtly obscure my face, much like Secret Squirrel.
You'll also note that I lengthened the body. I just felt like a cropped jacket chops up my torso too much and is less versatile, but you do lose a little of the pattern's panache when you go full-length.
As I wrote before, I absolutely loved working on the arms of this one. They practically knit themselves and, at the risk of sounding haughty, they turned out super cute. And I certainly hope they don't resemble the Michelin Man's arm.
Here is the buttoned-down version, since this can be a terribly toasty sweater.
All in all, I really like how this one turned out. I always have good luck with Zephyr's patterns and would give this another thumb's up. I also think my life has been devoid of purple for far too long.
Photog missing
His absence has a few other notable implications:
I'm indulging in the original Pride and Prejudice, followed by Project Runway.
I made myself a dinner involving only vegetables and tofu. And despite my plans to have it for dinner the rest of the week, I succeeded in putting most of it away m'self.
I am leaving half empty cups of coffee all over the house.
I just realized that my yoga pants have been on backwards for a few hours.
I almost forgot about the eclipse, until someone texted me. Now this power ballad is stuck in my head.
So, basically, I'm a slug. How does your behavior change when your significant other hits the road?
baby bites
where there is no doctor
pregnancy care
Nothing up my sleeve
It's a nearly finished 28Thirty. Such purply goodness. Have you ever really loved knitting something, like to the point that you kind of don't want it to end? That's how I've felt with this one. I just adore the purl rows breaking up the wide expanse of stockinette. My only fear is that it will have the same effect on my arms as horizontal stripes, making me look like I'm carrying around corrugated metal tubing. Let's hope not!
And here she is, nearly finished up and lounging in the only spot where I get any natural light.
But I finished tonight, and 28Thirty is blocking away. This despite the fact that I lost out on prime knitting time during jury duty last week. I was hoping to get several uninterrupted hours, but instead I had to perform my stinking civic duty and sit inside a court room for the bulk of the day. Not only did I question the attorneys' decision to quiz prospective jurors in front of other prospective jurors, but it was also total dullsville. (With the exception of the fact that I think Lionel Ritchie was sitting a few rows in front of me! Truly! I wanted to walk up to him and say, "Hello!") Not surprisingly, I got cut loose.
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baby care- new family
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Are they planning for pregnancy? Child care is a memorable one. More information please read this article
You have entered into the9th month of pregnancy! This is the time to expect your little one may come to this world at any movement.
Child needs food especially breast feed is very important to grow; A child can digest mothers milk. When mother takes notorious food then mother can get enough milk to feed the baby.
Child massage is important activity in daily life child need a smooth and regular massage and bath to keep the child healthy and active.
A child is around 3-12 months need special child food apart from breast feeding.
Mother and child can enjoy when both are healthy.
Haveing new baby
You have entered into the9th month of pregnancy! This is the time to expect your little one may come to this world at any movement.
Child needs food especially breast feed is very important to grow; A child can digest mothers milk. When mother takes notorious food then mother can get enough milk to feed the baby.
Child massage is important activity in daily life child need a smooth and regular massage and bath to keep the child healthy and active.
A child is around 3-12 months need special child food apart from breast feeding.
Mother and child can enjoy when both are healthy.
My child care
In Baby Care, we introduce some basic tips and offer helpful advice in caring for your new baby. Most importantly, we direct you to people and organisations who can provide you with sound knowledge, experience and practical skills to build your confidence in managing you
Baby care-breast feeding
Your have just married! You have friends who had married recently?
Are they planning for pregnancy? Child care is a memorable one. More information please read this article
You have entered into the9th month of pregnancy! This is the time to expect your little one may come to this world at any movement.
Child needs food especially breast feed is very important to grow; A child can digest mothers milk. When mother takes notorious food then mother can get enough milk to feed the baby.
Child massage is important activity in daily life child need a smooth and regular massage and bath to keep the child healthy and active.
A child is around 3-12 months need special child food apart from breast feeding.
Mother and child can enjoy when both are healthy.
The author is working for Better information about baby health baby food baby care, baby health diet and nutrition, http://healthybabycare.blogspot.com
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New born baby care
It takes dedication to have a great pregnancy and prepare for a naturally healthy baby...but it's easy to learn what you need to know!