Baby skin care chart
Adult products are too harsh for a young baby’s skin. Babies don’t get very dirty, so you don’t need to bathe your baby every day if you keep the face, head and diaper area clean. Wipe your baby’s face and head gently with a soft, wet washcloth or dampened cotton balls.
Be sure to get into all skin creases, especially where dribbled milk might collect. And clean your baby’s bottom well with each diaper change. When dressing your baby, choose loose-fitting, soft garments and layer for warmth.
Be sensitive to your baby’s environment, and be ready to peel off a layer or two when in a warm car, shop or restaurant. If your baby has little pimples along skin folds, especially on the neck, back, shoulders, chest or diaper area, she may have prickly heat, which can be remedied by avoiding heat and humidity, administering cool baths and dressing her in light, loose clothing.
Baby care-Travel with children

Today's family vacations are necessary in today's hurry-up world. It's a time for families to reconnect and some of the most memorable moments are not spent standing in line at a crowded theme park attraction, they are spent enjoying a Simple unhurried dinner together or taking early-evening walks to nowhere.After all, kids treasure moments, not places Many savvy traveling parents never eat breakfast in a restaurant, and some don't eat lunch in one either. Do they skip these meals? Absolutely not!
But, they do plan ahead by packing a few familiar items – cereal, fresh fruit, juices, peanut butter, bread and crackers, and plenty of snacks. It's not only less expensive, but it makes sense; and, modern hotel rooms that are now commonly outfitted with refrigerators and microwaves make it possible.
School-age children are ready to go have fun – they are not ready to set in a ho-hum restaurant waiting for food that they probably will not eat.Instead, a quick bowl of cereal or a piece of fresh fruit with milk or juice that they can enjoy while watching their favorite cartoon on television makes sense. # Lunch. If everyone is hot and tired after a busy morning at your favorite theme park or the beach, taking a break at your hotel is the perfect solution – it is cool, comfortable, and the perfect place to have lunch.You'll be surprised just how good a peanut butter sandwich, a piece of fresh fruit, and a tall glass of juice tastes... particularly when it's followed by a nap!
Children on vacation are excited, are frequently tired, and typically don't eat much at one meal. Many restaurants gladly comply with requests for additional plates so children can share meals. Don't be afraid to ask. Utilize Coupons. You may find them in hotel lobbies, in your hotel room, in newspapers, and in coupon books.Using them will save you money.
Along Snacks. Despite signs that warn"No Food or Drink Allowed," I do pack small snacks and drinks in my purse for my children. Not only are we saving money.
New mother father and new baby
Your have just married! You have friends who had married recently?
Are they planning for pregnancy? Child care is a memorable one. More information please read this article
You have entered into the9th month of pregnancy! This is the time to expect your little one may come to this world at any movement.
Child needs food especially breast feed is very important to grow; A child can digest mothers milk. When mother takes notorious food then mother can get enough milk to feed the baby.
Child massage is important activity in daily life child need a smooth and regular massage and bath to keep the child healthy and active.
A child is around 3-12 months need special child food apart from breast feeding.
Mother and child can enjoy when both are healthy.
The author is working forbaby care, baby health diet and nutrition,
One months to One Year baby activities information
This early communication is the basis on which thinking and feeling will later develop.
She’s always seeking ways to adapt to the world outside the womb. (For example, sleeping is one way she learns to organize her life: When she’s tired, she turns off the environment, conserving energy to grow.
She’s always giving you signals. By watching her closely, you’ll learn how much or little stimulation she can handle, and when she’s ready for talking, feeding, singing, or playing. For instance, “I’m happy and ready to play” signals include open eyes, relaxed arms and legs, and maybe even a tight, playful grip around your finger. If she’s played with, talked to, or fed too much, she may grimace, turn and look away, clench her fists, and wriggle or spit up. These messages say, “Slow down, please.
I need more peace and quiet.” By watching her closely, you’ll learn how much or little stimulation she can handle. Sweet Dreams
-Month-Old Sleep Patterns Fortunately, by the time your baby is 6 to 12 weeks old, she’ll probably be sleeping for longer stretches of the night. If she’s not, you may have to help her learn to fall back to sleep on her own. Here are a few tricks you can try: Put her in her crib, instead of rocking or holding her. Wait until she’s groggy, but still awake; then lay her in her crib, say “good night,” turn off the light, and leave the room. If she cries, wait a few minutes before returning.
If she continues to cry, go back in the room (leaving the light off), rub her, and talk to her in a soothing voice. When she quiets down, say “good night” and leave the room again. If she begins to cry again, repeat this pattern until she falls asleep. It may take a few days, but she’ll get the hang of it. Establishing this skill when your baby is still young will help prevent bedtime battles later. 3By the third month, your baby is becoming quite the socialite, taking in more and more of the world around him. Help him get more acquainted with interacting with this big, new place by:
Carrying him in a cuddled “sitting” position and showing him lights or brightly colored objects Rocking him in a rocking chair. As you hold him, talk softly and look into his eyes. Singing quietly to him before bed Giving him different textures to feel, such as stuffed animals, plastic toys, or pieces of terry cloth or rubber. (Since your baby may put the objects in his mouth, be sure they’re not too small and that the pieces can’t be torn off and swallowed.)
Having quiet times. Babies need some quiet time to babble, play, and explore their world, so don’t leave a radio, TV, or stereo on for long periods. Looking in mirrors. Put a nonbreakable metal or plastic baby mirror in the crib or playpen. Show him the mirrors around your home. 4
Months baby
Propping him up so he can watch what goes on around him Years baby is probably jabbering for a reason, even if you don’t know what that is. One way to help her develop language skills is to imitate her jabbering and cooing, as if the two of you are having an intelligent conversation that only you can understand.
Other ways to help your baby develop language skills and understanding include: Talking to your baby often as you dress, feed, or bathe her Providing quiet time (turning off the radio and TV) Encouraging your baby to turn her head toward sounds Repeating sounds often and trying to get your baby to mimic them back to you Keeping Her Healthy: Baby Vaccinations Well-baby visits to the pediatrician are probably part of your monthly routine by now. These visits are important for you and your baby because:
They’re your opportunity to make sure your baby is growing and developing properly, and to ask any questions you may have. They’re the time when your baby will get the immunizations she needs (and make up any that she may have missed).
It’s true that in the United States great strides have been made in reducing childhood diseases through regular vaccinations. But the organisms that cause some of these diseases haven’t disappeared. Regular vaccinations are still the only way to protect your baby — now and for years to come — so be sure to get your child immunized to help keep her healthy.
5 months baby
H are some ways to help ensure that your baby develops to his full physical and cognitive potential (and have fun doing it!):
Encourage your baby to raise his head and push up on his arms to watch what is happening in the world around him. Hold your baby upright under the arms. Slowly lower your baby until his feet touch the table, bed, or your lap. Help your baby sit up alone. You can start by sitting on the couch or a chair with your baby and propping him up in the corner (which can prevent him from falling over).
Try to get your baby to follow faces or bright objects with his eyes.Let your baby feel many different textures.Help your baby pick up small toys, such as 1-inch blocks. (As a reminder, keep pills and other small objects that can cause choking out of your baby’s reach.) Who Is That? Baby’s Fear of Strangers As your baby interacts even more with his world, his first fear may occur this month — a fear of strangers.
6 months baby
This fear, which often includes fear of grandparents and other relatives, is normal. By this time, most babies have developed an awareness and recognition of key people around them, and a mistrust and fear of those who are not familiar. Although this fear goes away with time and is nothing to worry about, it usually helps to introduce your baby to new people slowly. 9 Months baby
While you’ve been guiding your baby along his road to development, the types of skills your baby develops, and the rate at which he develops them at this point, will be largely dependent on his own abilities.
However, here are some things you can do to inspire and stimulate him: Play “peekaboo” with him in front of a mirror. Read him books, naming objects and people as you travel through the pages. Teach him games such as “pat-a-cake” and “how big’s the baby?”Like always, keep hugging and cuddling him whenever possible, soothing and calming him when he’s fussy, smiling and chatting with him, and singing softly to him at bedtime. Engage
Your 11-Month-Old’s Growing Mind Because he’s becoming so smart and inquisitive, your activities together become more interesting, engaging him cognitively and physically. Here’s what you can do together: Help him walk with (or without) support.Ask him to find his favorite toy in his toy basket. Provide push/pull toys for him to play with.Roll or toss a large ball back and forth. Encourage your baby to pick a toy off the floor without holding onto anything.
Continue to talk to your baby.
This month, your house is a baby amusement park. Ensure Baby Safety This month, your house is a baby amusement park. He’s probably cruising while holding on to furniture, in love with the novelty of standing — particularly in the bathtub, and enamored with stairs that he can climb up but not down. While he’s running about, consider protecting him from common baby mishaps with these safety tips:
Buy safety gates or other barriers that are high and sturdy, have a straight top edge (instead of V-shaped or diamond-shaped openings) and a rigid screen, and are installed at the top and bottom of stairs.Keep his play area clear of hard, sharp-edged furniture. Lower his crib mattress so he can’t crawl or fall out while he’s standing.
Install easy-to-use childproof locks for drawers, screens, doors, and windows.Keep poisonous substances (including household cleaners and products) in high cabinets that you can lock. (If you think your baby has eaten something poisonous, immediately call the Poison Control Center, the hospital emergency room or your baby’s health care professional.) Keep these numbers by the phone. Stay close to your baby around water — pools, tubs, large buckets of water, even toilets.Avoid leaving pots containing hot foods close to the edges of tables or counters. Make sure you use plug protectors in any unused electrical outlets.
12 months baby
Engaging Your 12-Month-Old’s Mind This month, help her continue to develop by: ugging and cuddling her soothing
and calming her when he’s fussy Smiling and talking to her oftenRocking and loving her
Playing games such as “pat-a-cake” New activities include: * Sitting her at or near the table during family meals ·
Showing her how to pull a pull toy. (To prevent choking, keep toys with long strings put away when you can’t watch your baby play.) · “Reading” a picture book with her — identifying what you see on each page. Graduation-to-Toddler Safety Tips If you haven’t already, now is a good time to make sure you’ve taken all the baby safety measures you can. Here’s a checklist for convenience: · Check that all approved safety gates are in place and in working order. · Lower the crib mattress so your baby can’t crawl or fall out while she’s standing. · Install childproof locks for drawers, screens, doors, and windows. · Keep poisonous substances (including household cleaners) in high, locked cabinets.Stay close to your baby around water — pools, tubs, large buckets of water, and toilets. Continue to buckle your baby into an approved, properly installed car seat, but never in a seat protected by an air bag.Place safety plugs over electrical outlets. If you think your baby has eaten something poisonous, immediately call the Poison Control Center, the hospital emergency room, or your baby’s health care professional. (Keep these numbers by the phone.) Buy your baby objects that are large enough that she can’t fit them into her mouth. This prevents choking hazards.
There’s not much that’s more fun than baby birthdays, and you’ll probably never throw a shorter party. Planning a Safe and Fun First Birthday Party There’s not much that’s more fun than baby birthdays, and you’ll probably never throw a shorter party. Here are some tips for planning a successful party for your 1-year-old and her family and friends. For safety: * Limit the party area to one childproofed room.
Remove all breakables and sharp objects. * Avoid snacks such as popcorn and peanuts — even for adults. Babies can pick them up from the floor and choke on them. For your guests:
Baby growth, baby activities,Baby care

Your baby’s head is probably large compared to the rest of his body. (His head may also have a bump or two from labor or from help he received during birth.
His eyes may be bloodshot and eyelids swollen. He may also occasionally cross his
eyes in the first weeks.
His skin may be dry and flaky with a rash or
Baby care
Baby boy and girl breast tissue may be swollen due to your hormones which still remain in his body. Take lots of pictures! Your baby’s look will change quickly in the first week.
Baby Sensory Motor Development: Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic From the moment your baby enters this world, he’s learning. It’s good to keep in mind that he’s lived nine months in a dark, warm, and cozy womb and is now in the bright open space of the big world.
His senses are being bombarded. Is it any wonder that he’s so unpredictable during the first month? Through His Eyes:
How Your Baby Sees He stares at objects, but doesn’t reach for them, and sees best within 12 inches of his face.
He likes bold shapes and high-contrast objects, such as a black and white bull’s eye.
He loves looking at faces, and your expressions, and may imitate them right away. Aside from the faces of loved ones, he may get bored looking at the same thing for too long.
The Sweetest Sounds: How Your Baby Hears Your baby’s hearing is well-developed, but he won’t look for the source of the sound. Here’s how he’ll respond to it: He may react negatively to loud voices or music.
When startled by a noise, he may cry, stiffen his body and legs, or thrust his arms outward and pull them back to his chest.
He generally likes sounds that change, such as a voice or music.
He may “keep time” to your voice with arm and hand motions. Babies seem to react more to normal, rhythmic speech than to nonsense vowel sounds. This may be the beginning of language for them, so hearing you talk is critical to development.
Everyday events, such as a bath, being dried with a blanket, and being cuddled are regular sensory feasts for babies. What Your Baby Loves to Touch, Taste, and Smell Everyday events, such as a bath, being dried with a blanket, and being cuddled are regular sensory feasts for babies.
Babies love the feel of different textures. Some babies love the feeling of cuddling with you. Most babies’ lips seem to be particularly sensitive to touch. They react to a touch on the lips by smacking their lips and sucking. Babies can also taste and smell from the time of their birth. In tests, babies have turned their heads away from strong odors.
Your Baby’s Grip — Early Reflexes Your baby already has a good grip, and many automatic reactions or reflexes. His startle reaction to sudden noises is just one of these. Other reflexes include.
The grasp reflex that lets your baby grip his rattle, only to immediately drop it because he can’t hold on .The rooting reflex that helps your baby open his mouth and find the nipple for feeding
Yawning to increase the air in his lungs Pulling back if he’s hurt and sneezing to clear his nose.Turning his head to one side if his breathing is blocked Nurturing Your Baby’s Intel
lectual and Social Development As you know, interaction between you and your baby, even at this young age, will help determine his intellectual, social, and emotional development.
How you respond to his cries, satisfy his needs, and show him love will determine how he sees the world later. You are his window to the world, and he’ll learn how to act and interact with others by watching you.
Your baby will learn how to act and interact with others by watching you. Feeding Your 1-Month-Old Baby Feeding is one of the many ways you show your baby love. Here are a few tips for getting into this new and loving ritual: Talk softly to your baby while you feed him.
Feed him frequently, in small amounts. A newborn is not very hungry the first two or three days. Recognize signals from your baby that he’s ready to feed, including lip smacking, tongue movement, and eye fluttering. Crying is a late signal of hunger.
First Baby Baths: Getting Your Little Wriggler Clean Baby baths can be lots of fun, and after the first few, you’ll get ahead of the learning curve. Here are a few tips to help both of you have a good experience.
Once you’ve graduated to bathing baby in an infant tub (and later, the big one), remember never to leave him unattended, even for a second. Soon, you’ll both enjoy this ritual.
it's a good thing i don't like spice gum drops
We're a little like kids around here, and it's only party because Jon's brother bought us a Wii for our wedding/Jon's birthday. We also just kinda love the holidays, as hopelessly uncool as that is. A few nights ago, we picked out the perfect, only-a-little-Charlie-Brown-like Christmas tree, then I added some Burl Ives to my ipod. And then, the piece de resistance -- the gumdrop wreath.
And I think it was meant to be, since I somehow found a styrofoam wreath at the bottom of a shelf in a CVS. Seriously, finding random, seasonal craft supplies in New York City is an accomplishment. Don't you love how the wreath really showcases the peephole in our front door?
Indeed, the holidays make me hyper-crafty. Maybe it's because if I'm knitting or glue-gunning or spearing soft candy with toothpicks, that means I don't have to cook a turkey again for, like, 11 1/2 months.
See, this was the first year since 2002 that I haven't worked on Thanksgiving, therefore the first year that I didn't have an excuse for not cooking a turkey. Years past, I'd come home from work and whip up a bunch of side dishes -- mushroom stuffing, garlic mashed potatoes, of course green bean casserole. But this year, I had no excuse, particularly with my mom in town to help.
I won't get into the gory details, but I don't like cleaning out the turkey cavity or slicing it up or dealing with the gross, fatty mess up the turkey leaves in its wake. I did, though, like how my mom's cranberries looked in my new collander.
So now I'm freed up to start some holiday knitting. (I know -- boo, hiss, bad idea and all that.) I just feel like there are some folks in my life who simply need a handknit. And since it seems to be the year of the cowl, I thought I'd make a few nice, big, chunky cowls. And do they go quickly! I bought the yarn for this one, started and finished it while sitting with my Spiders on Friday.
Say howdy to Marian, a ravelry pattern by Jane Richmond, made out of bulky Morehouse merino. Is it possible to be too cozy?
Baby food chart six to ten months baby care
Baby food recipes
Bananas - 7 months
Bean Pods (snap, green, yellow or waxed) - 7 months
Beets, cooked - 9 months
Beets, raw - 10 months
Blueberries - 10 months
Broccoli - 8 months
Brussel Sprouts, cooked - 9 months
Cabbage - 18 months
Cantaloupe - 8 months
Carrots, cooked - 7 months
Celery, cooked - 7 months
Cherry, raw & finely sliced - 9 months
Collard Greens, cooked - 9 months
Corn - 18 months
Cucumbers, raw - 18 months
Eggplant, cooked - 9 months
Grapes, finely sliced - 9 months
Honeydew Melon - 8 months
Kiwi - 8 months
Lettuce - 10 months
Mangos - 7 months
Mushrooms - 9 months
Mustard Green - 9 months
Nectarines - 7 months
Okra, cooked - 9 months
Onions, cooked - 9 months
Orange - 12 months
Papaya - 7 months
Parsley, cooked - 8 months
Peaches - 7 months
Pears - 7 months
Peas - 7 months
Peppers - 10 months
Pineapples - 9 months
Plums - 8 months
Prunes - 8 months
Potato - 7 months
Pumpkin - 7 months
Rhubarb, cooked thoroughly - 9 months
Rutabaga, cooked - 9 months
Squash, cooked - 7 months
Sweet Potato, cooked - 6 months
Tomato, raw - 12 months
Turnips, cooked - 9 months
Watermelon - 8 months
Yams, cooked - 6 months
Sorrel - 9 months
Spinach, cooked - 9 months
Food Group four months to six months six to nine months to one year baby
Baby food Baby food chart,Baby Growth Chart
Baby food can be food other then breast milk. It generally comes in different varieties and tastes. It can be produced by manufacturers or may be a normal food what we eat in our day to day life. The common thing about the baby food is that it is generally in the liquid form or in a form which is easily chewed and digested by the baby. Parents take good are about their babies in most aspects of their lives like their education, clothing and all their daily requirements. But one aspect which is unknowingly ignored is their food and food habits.
During the initial stages of child he needs proper food care in order to be developed physically and mentally. The balanced diet becomes key factor in determining his/her health. Parents take a proper care of child but certain things are overlooked regarding their food habits.
Baby food available in markets contains additional fillers, sweeteners and other ingredients which are inappropriate for baby’s diet. They are present to add some artificial flavors to the food product. Nutritionally they do not contribute anything to baby’s health. Self preparation of food is far better then readily available food as it gives the exact amount of nutrition to your baby. Preparing baby’s food at home keeps the exact track of intake the baby does and the proper growth chart can also be maintained. Giving a baby an orange juice which is freshly prepared at home will be more appealing to you as you know the goodness it has against the juice which is available in market. Other factor is hygiene. You don’t know what level of hygiene has been maintained even by international company that produces a particular product.
Baby food chart,
Preparing baby food at home is quite easy and fun. You just require some proper instruments and you can make baby food in no time. Some fresh fruits blended with a blender and a fresh fruit juice is ready for your little one. Also some items are frozen and kept and can be consumed as and when required. Apart from fun, preparing baby food at home is also proves to be cheaper. Food made at home is much tastier then any other food product available in the market. Your baby deserves delicious and tasty food prepared by you. If baby eats at home you can avoid his fuss about the food he wants to eat in later part of his life. Avoid microwave heated food to baby as it may cause uneven heating of food. Food little warmer than room temperature is better for your baby. Some nutritionists think that freezing cooked ripe produce is much healthier then under ripe produce.
Baby food
Baby food chart 4to 6 months9to 12 baby food
Food Group 4 to 6 months 6 to 9 months 9 to 12 months
Cereals & Grains iron-fortified rice cereal
iron-fortified oat cereal
iron-fortified barley cereal
iron-fortified mixed-grain cereal
rice cereal with banana
cooked elbow macaroni
flour tortillas
mixed-grain cereals
Fruits & Vegetables
applesauce, unsweetened
peaches, cooked and mashed
pears, cooked and mashed
bananas, mashed
green beans, cooked and mashed
squash, cooked and mashed
peas, cooked and mashed
sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed
carrots, cooked and mashed
carrots, cooked and diced
banana, diced
peaches, diced
chicken, minced
turkey, minced
beef, minced
lamb, minced
pork, minced
Finger Foods
bread crusts
dry oat cereal
arrowroot crackers
rice cakes
Dairy foods and eggs
fruit-flavored yogurt
hard cheese, diced
scrambled or hard-cooked egg yolk
Food Group 4 to 6 months 6 to 9 months 9 to 12 months
Cereals & Grains iron-fortified rice cereal
iron-fortified oat cereal
iron-fortified barley cereal
iron-fortified mixed-grain cereal
rice cereal with banana
cooked elbow macaroni
flour tortillas
mixed-grain cereals
Fruits & Vegetables
applesauce, unsweetened
peaches, cooked and mashed
pears, cooked and mashed
bananas, mashed
green beans, cooked and mashed
squash, cooked and mashed
peas, cooked and mashed
sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed
carrots, cooked and mashed
carrots, cooked and diced
banana, diced
peaches, diced
Home made baby food care and recipes
• Do not feed home-prepared spinach, beets, turnips, carrots, or
collard greens to babies under 6 months old. These types of
home-prepared vegetables may contain large amounts of nitrates
or nitrites which could make babies under 6 months of age sick.
• Select high quality fresh vegetables and fruits or plain frozen
vegetables and fruits (without added salt or sauces). Canned
fruits without added sugar or canned vegetables without added
salt can be used. If frozen or canned foods are used, make
sure to check the ingredient list.
• Wash fresh vegetables and fruits very well with clean cold
running water to remove dirt. Remove pits, seeds, skins, and
inedible peels from fruits and some vegetables. Edible skins
and peels can be removed either before or after cooking.
• When cooking is needed to soften a food’s texture, cook the
vegetables or fruits either by boiling in a covered saucepan
with a small amount of water or steaming in a saucepan until
just tender enough to be pureed or mashed or eaten as a finger
food. learn to choose nutrient dense prepared baby foods.
appreciate cost effectiveness of homemade baby foods.
learn how to prepare, store, and reheat homemade baby foods.
learn some important safety rules to follow while preparing baby food at home
Baby food recipes 1
You will require ½ cup of suji, 1 tablespoon on oil, mustard seeds, onions (optional), boiled and diced vegetables (optional) and buttermilk (optional). You can also add other vegetables for taste and nutrition, such as onions, peas and carrots. First saute mustard seeds, onions and boiled vegetables (optional) in oil. Then add suji and lightly fry for a few minutes. Once brown, you can add either 1 glass of water or 1 glass of butter milk (make sure it is not very sour) and keep stirring. Once well cooked, remove from gas, season with corriander leaves and serve warm. Remember that upma becomes lumpy very quickly, so make only when the child is ready to eat. Reheating upma ruins the consistency.
Baby food recipes 2
You will require ½ cup of suji, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and 3 cups of milk. First boil the milk and then add suji. Cook it on slow fire, and keep stirring (to prevent lumps) until the consistency is semi-solid. Then add sugar to the suji. Garnish with powdered badaam or elaichi. Cool and serve warm.
Dalia can be made with vegetables or without vegetables. The advantage of making it with vegetables is that the child also gets some essential vitamins and minerals.
Baby food recipes 3
Dalia without vegetables
Start with equal quantities of wheat dalia and lentil. Add dalia to boiling water and cook it for some time (until half-cooked). Then add lentil until both the dalia and lentil are well-cooked. You can add salt and butter to taste.
Baby food recipes 4
Dalia with vegetables
Dalia is prepared in the same fashion as above. Except instead of cooking only dalia, you can also cook other vegetables like potatoes, onions, peas and any other green vegetables with it. You can also season it with sauted garlic or ginger.
Baby Spinach Salad Recipe
1 packet baby spinach salad
1 large cucumber
2 large tomatoes
2 hot peppers
10 almonds
grapes or oranges
black olives - canned
For the dressing:
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½ cup orange juice
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp each ginger and garlic paste
salt, sugar, black pepper powder and chilli powder to taste
Method :
Mix the salad ingredients.
Separately mix the dressing very well and pour over salad.
Back to your regularly scheduled knitting
I started this so long ago that I don't even remember starting it. No recollection at all. I would pick it up, knitting a few rows of the twisted rib, then stuff it into a bag for months at a time. Even though it's knit in my beloved Brooks Farm Four Play, I just found it a little dull and wasn't really longing to work on it. I swear that I completed maybe an inch on my honeymoon, which you would expect to be prime knitting time! Nope.
(A quick aside. While in New Orleans, I visited The Quarter Stitch, a truly delightful yarn shop in the French Quarter, natch. I can't say enough about this spot. I wanted a yarn that was lively and vibrant and would always remind me of our time as newlyweds in beautiful New Orleans. They directed me to a skein of Mango Moon yarn, which is made from recycled sarongs and promotes the economic independence of Nepali woman. Perfect. The women there made time to listen to me gush about my new husband and our wedding and our adventures on the Gulf Coast. They then assured me, "If your husband let's you buy yarn on your honeymoon, you're going to have a long and happy marriage.")
So this past week, I picked up the gallery jacket with renewed urgency, and I knit like the wind! It was a fight to the finish, with more loose ends left to weave in than I wish to recall. I swear, I spent the entirety of a "30 Rock" dealing with 'em. ("Please welcome LIZ LE-MON!")
I'm glad, though, that I resuscitated this one. I just really adore it!

I think the fit would be a little better if I used a traditional shawl pin, but I kinda wanted to use my grandmother's cool brooch. It reminds me of the Times Square New Year's Eve ball drop!
Baby food recipes with Carrots
2 medium carrots
1 medium potato
Top and tail and peel the carrot, and roughly chop, place in a small pan.
Peel the potato, roughly chop and add to the carrot. Cover with water and simmer for 15 minutes or until soft.
Drain off half the cooking water (reserving the drained water) and blend with a hand held blender, adding more cooking liquid if needed, until you have a soft smooth consistency.
If using a potato masher or ricer, drain all the cooking water and reserve, mash well until lump-free and then add cooking liquid until a smooth soft consistency
Baby care-baby food one year baby
Baby food
Babies make the change from requiring milk alone to needing a top-up with solids due to the fact that their stomachs are full after a feed and cannot hold any more milk, yet they still need more calories. Milk is a complete food, but as babies grow they require more calories, so the all-important solids, which contain more calories than milk, are introduced to meet the needs of your baby.
Baby care
A sign that your baby is demanding more is when, at the end of a regular feed, she is still restless and unsatisfied. She may even demand an extra feed during the day or wake up in the night wanting a feed, when she would normally have slept through. She may also take a swipe at your food!
Don’t rush to start feeding your baby solids, and do not be anxious if friends' babies have started on solids before yours has – every baby is different and no one knows a baby better than her mother. If your baby is happy and content with milk until around six months old, continue until the above signs are noticed. If you are in any doubt ask your health visitor or doctor's advice.
What to feed
Baby massage
The best foods to start weaning with are home-cooked vegetables and fruits. Prepare the vegetables by chopping and cooking in a little water until soft and then puree. A good tip is to add a little breat or formula milk to give it a soft consistency and to make the taste similar to what your baby already knows and likes.
Only make up very small amounts as, at first, she will only accept a teaspoon or two. Start with bland-tasting vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, cauliflower or broccoli, and never add any seasoning.
Pureed fruits are also very good - try starting with banana, papaya, mango, stewed apple or pear, never add sugar (just select sweet fruit) and do not sweeten with honey until your baby is 12 months old. By sweetening foods you will give your baby a sweet tooth, which is not a good start.
Start by offering tiny amounts of solids for your baby to get used to this new experience and taste. Never force solids upon a baby - it should be a gentle and enjoyable experience. If your baby refuses the food, forget trying to feed solids for a couple of days and then try again with another pureed food. Do not rush your baby as she is having learn to accept these new tastes and, hardest of all, having to learn how to swallow - all she has done until now is suck.
Lunchtime is often the best time to try with solids as your baby will be alert and usually very hungry. Milk is still a very important part of the diet so continue to give milk as usual along with the pureed foods.
First year baby food
Get info and advice on every aspect of feeding your baby and keeping her healthy throughout those early years.
Baby food recipes
* Early days
* Food worries
* Weaning ways
* Nutritional help
* More on food
Early days
* Breastfeeding
* Breastfeeding problem solver
* Bottle feeding
* Mixing breast and bottle
Food worries
* Food intolerance and food allergy
* Fussy eaters
* Vegetarian babies
* Vegan babies
* Special diets
Weaning ways
* When to start on solids
* Weaning chart
* First foods from 6 months
* Feeding from 7 or 8 months
* Feeding from 12 months on
* Baby-led weaning
* Baby-led weaning recipes for 6 months and 8 months
* Gill Ripley's baby-led weaning video
Nutritional help
* Vitamin supplements
* Mineral guide
* Organic baby foods tried and tested
* Organic recipes
* Recipes for baby
More on food
* Organic baby food on test
* Small bites: food info, issues and recipes
* Find a recipe
* Baby-led weaning recipes : Breakfasts| savouries | puds
* Baby to adult: how to make the food transition
* Good eating habits start young, says food writer Fran Warde
* Drink up! Tips and ideas to keep baby hydrated
How long you may store homemade baby food
Fruits and vegetables 2 to 3 days 6 to 8 months
Meats or egg yolks 1 day 1 to 2 months
Meat & vegetable
1 to 2 days 3 to 4 months
What to do:
1. Wash your hands with hot soapy water. Wash all equipment in hot soapy water, rinse
it under hot water and air dry.
2. Wash fruits and vegetables by scrubbing under cool water. Peel fruits and vegetables
and remove seeds.
3. Remove bones, skin and visible fat from meat.
4. Bake, boil or steam food until cooked and tender.
5. Use the food grinder, blender, potato masher, or fork to mash the food until it is of a
smooth texture. You may also force the food through a strainer. Throw away any
tough pieces or large lumps.
6. Add liquids such as cooking water, breast milk or formula if the food is thick or dry.
7. Do not add sugar, honey, salt or fat to baby food.
Making your own homemade baby food

Making your own baby food from family foods usually costs less than baby food you buy
and allows the baby to get used to the types of foods the family eats.
What you need:
1. Something to mash or grind the food such as a:
· Food grinder
· Blender
· Potato masher
· Strainer, or
· Fork
2. Good quality food without added salt, sugar, fat or spices. Do not make baby food
from leftovers that have been kept for more than one day.
Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Baby
* Know when, how, and what to feed your baby and toddler.
* Know how to keep baby food safe.
* Take control of your baby’s nutrition
* Avoid harmful additives and preservatives
* If you would like, make your own baby food
Early days
* Breastfeeding
* Breastfeeding problem solver
* Bottlefeeding
* Mixing breast and bottle
Food worries
* Food intolerance and food allergy
* Fussy eaters
* Vegetarian babies
* Vegan babies
* Special diets
Weaning ways
* When to start on solids
* Weaning chart
* First foods from 6 months
* Feeding from 7 or 8 months
* Feeding from 12 months on
* Baby-led weaning
* Baby-led weaning recipes for 6 months and 8 months
* Gill Rapley's baby-led weaning video
Nutritional help
* Vitamin supplements
* Mineral guide
* Organic baby foods tried and tested
* Organic recipes
* Recipes for baby
More on food
* Organic baby food on test
* Small bites: food info, issues and recipes
* Find a recipe
* Baby-led weaning recipes : Breakfasts| savouries | puds
* Baby to adult: how to make the food transition
* Good eating habits start young, says food writer Fran Warde
* Drink up! Tips and ideas to keep baby hydrated
Finger Foods for baby
* Slices of bread or toast. Press the bread firmly with a rolling pin before toasting or cutting into fingers to make sure that no crumbs or lumps will fall off
* Strips of pitta bread, nan or chapati
* Fingers of pizza
* Cubes of cheese, or a pile of finely grated cheese
* Peas
* Cooked pasta in sizes and shapes your baby can pick up
* Cooked vegetables
* Chunks of dessert apple or finely grated apple
* Slices of carrot, celery, cucumber
* Tiny sandwiches with fruit or savoury filling
Note: you should always stay with your baby when he’s feeding himself in case he chokes. Usually, babies will cough or spit food out if they cannot swallow it. Occasionally you may have to pat him on the back or put your finger in his mouth to remove a piece of food.
Your baby and family meals
At this stage your baby can join in more and more with family meals. Seat him at the table in a highchair, perhaps with a cloth underneath to make clearing up easier.
You might need to give him his main evening meal rather earlier than you have yours - a baby cannot wait until 7 o’clock for his tea, unless he has a substantial snack in the afternoon. And some babies are asleep by 7pm!
Similarly, some older babies need an early lunch, at around 11 or 11.30am, and then have a post-lunch nap. Trying to keep a baby awake to fit in with your meal time is unfair and not very productive. However, even if you are not eating yourself, do sit down with him at the table and chat to him while he is eating.
Many families compromise, and eat together when they can, at the weekends and on holiday. You’ll find it is easiest to be fairly flexible, and to expect your baby’s routine to change from time to time.
What to avoid your baby
* Soft cooked eggs
* Soft ripened cheeses
* Nuts (including peanut butter)
* Salt
* Sugar
* Strong spices
Avoid low-fat or fat-reduced dairy foods. These aren’t harmful to your baby, but they don’t pack in as much suitable nutrition. Babies need calorie-dense foods, and they benefit from the fat-soluble vitamins present in whole yoghurt, full-fat cheeses and other products.
Remember: the advice to choose low-fat foods is directed at adults - not babies and young children.
Choose unsweetened foods as far as you can for your baby, as relying on sugary foods can encourage his natural preference for sweet foods. Too much sugar can damage your baby’s delicate emerging teeth and may be bad for his long-term dental health.
The healthiest drinks for babies are water, milk (formula or breast, see above), or very dilute pure fruit juice (one part juice to five parts water). Offer well-diluted juice with meals as it aids iron absorption and is a valuable source of vitamin C.
Fruit juice needs to be diluted because the acid in the juice can erode the enamel on the teeth. Give juice with, or after, meals when the protective saliva in your baby’s mouth will help restrict decay. Never give juice in a bottle, as the slow sucking will ensure that your baby’s teeth are bathed in sugar for long periods, leading to decay. Babies of five months and over can start learning to use a spouted cup.
Avoid squashes and other drinks with added sugar altogether, as they are particularly bad for your baby’s teeth.
Different textures
By seven months most babies are capable of tolerating lumps and different textures, and it’s a good idea to begin to offer them food that is less smooth. That way your baby gets used to the feel of normal, family food and it helps his tongue and mouth develop. This is also important for later speech development.
Instead of sieving food, simply mash it and gradually reduce the amount of milk or water you add to it, so the puree becomes thicker.
Baby needs
By 7 or 8 months yor baby is ready to move on to the next stage of weaning, with meals getting a little lumpier and finger foods making an appearance.
Older babies need more iron in their diets as their own stores start to run down after the age of about six months. They are also becoming much more active as they learn to crawl and then walk - and that means more calories are needed for energy and growth.
Your baby also needs a variety of nutrients in his foods, and to become used to a wide range of tastes as he grows. He can now chew, handle different textures and pick up different shapes more skilfully - eating fits in well with his newly acquired skills and experiences.
He also needs to practice his social skills, and joining in meals with other people gives a great opportunity for this. By the end of the first year, your baby will probably be able to enjoy almost all the same foods as you do, perhaps modified a little to make them more suitable for him.
Which milk?
Experts agree that babies aged up to a year should continue to be given breastmilk or formula milk or follow on milk as their main drink, rather than cow’s milk. Some experts feel that babies should be given no cow’s milk at all until they are a year old, because of the risk of allergies, while other experts advise that small amounts of full fat pasteurised cow’s milk can be used to mix with foods from six months onwards.
How much milk?
As your baby’s intake of other foods increases, he’s likely to need less milk. If you are breastfeeding, you can continue for as long as you and your baby want to. Your baby will naturally regulate his own intake.
When you do decide to cut down on breastfeeds, offer a drink in a cup at a time you’d normally expect your baby to want the breast. There is no point in trying to introduce the different sucking action of a bottle to a baby who’s over six months. Even if he is already accustomed to bottles, it’s still a good time to begin using a cup.
If your baby is still very keen on bottle feeds, you may have to take the initiative in dropping some of his formula intake - it’s easy for older bottle fed babies to fill up on milk, which may not leave much room for other foods. Decrease the amount of milk in each bottle so his intake over the day is less, and offer a cup instead of a bottle at some feeds.
By the end of the first year, the recommended amount of milk is 600 ml a day (about a pint) - and that includes milk from other sources such as custards and yogurt. More than this isn’t necessary, and some healthy babies take a lot less just because they don’t like it. A breastfed baby can feed as often as he wants to, but if he is only feeding once or twice, it’s sensible to make sure he has extra milk in a cup or in other foods.
Homemade food is good for baby health
Clean your vegetables thoroughly. Most baby's love homemade carrots and sweet potatoes the best. You can also use squash, peaches or apples, whatever looks good for the season. All of these can be steamed together to make things quicker. Put some water in the bottom of your pot, put in the steamer and add cut up veggies and fruit. Steam the food until it is soft and let cool.
There is no need to season or add salt to steamed food as fruit and vegetables are naturally seasoned. Pick out any seeds or fibrous strings that could choke your baby.
Separate the steamed food and put each separately in a food processor, adding a little bottled or filtered water when needed to soften food. As your little one grows, you can leave larger bits of food in the mix. But for your baby, keep it smooth and creamy. Rinse the processor after each batch you make.
You can buy little jars or containers to use or even use ice cube trays to store your food. Freeze the steamed food in little portions so you any during feedings. These can be thawed overnight in the refrigerator or warmed in hot water. Always mix well and stick your clean finger in the food to look for hot spots. It is not a good idea to microwave the steamed food, as it can overheat and burn your baby.
We totally got married!
It was just so wonderful, every thing I could have hoped for and more. So much love!
I'll leave you with a little web album of the pictures our dear friends and family took while we wait for the professional shots. (Though a few of my friends are total pros, as you'll see.) You can find the album here!
Now you wiil start solid food for baby
Here are some tips for starting out on the right foot with solid foods.
Track your baby's solid-foods progress with the chart below. Start baby on just one new food at a time. Watch for reactions. Then, after about five days, try another food. If baby doesn't like a food, give her a week, then try again
Baby care in ayurvedha
The branch of Ayurveda that deals with pregnancy is Prasoothi Tantra. It tells about the nutrition and exercises a woman must follow during pregnancy. Ante natal care in Ayurveda includes suggestion of simple exercises, lifestyle balance etc to give a healthful, beautiful child. There are specific herbs and nutrition to take during different stages of pregnancy. Towards the end of pregnancy, there will be different processes going on to make labor easier.
Post natal care includes caring the mother and baby with medicated oil massages. Mother is also given herbal decoctions, medicines and nutrient supplements for immunity, proper actation and quick return to health. The baby is also given proper massages to open up
the pores of the skin, strengthen immunity and for complexion of skin.
baby care-nutrition
What a wonder ful seen in my baby blog
At long last -- my wedding capelet
Let's face it -- I get married in a week and a half, so it's probably going to be too warm for a shawl. But a knitting bride needs a knit shawl. Because my dress is lace, I didn't want to overdo it with a lacey shawl, so I wanted instead something with some texture and structure, something that mimicked a little coat or cape. But my search went nowhere.
So, I whipped this up myself, picking up a few skeins of an embarrassing yarn that matched my gown very well. (I've been carrying a swatch around in my purse for five months.) I then recalled, rather randomly, that I always loved the wrong side of my circular shrug. (ravelry) In that pattern, the right side is knit, purl, knit, and the wrong side is knit, slip with the yarn forward, knit. I'm not sure what it says about me that I like the wrong side better -- that's kind of like preferring the cookie to the white stuff in an Oreo. Here's a closeup:
Anyway, here I am, the realization that my wedding is so close dawning on me as I wear a loud dress from Target.
Looking back at my circular shawl, I realized that I have completely abandoned what was once a regular feature on this here blog: the dumbest thing I did all week. Anybody even remember that? Anyway, there's a lot of competition since work and wedding stress have slammed directly into each other. But I think this takes the cake. I went to my dentist on the upper East Side yesterday and decided to walk across Central Park to take the C train downtown to work. Well, you know how pedestrian paths in Central Park tend to kind of meander around? So I wander for a while and eventually see the street in front of me and actually think, "Huh, why is Fifth Avenue on the west side?" Um, yeah, I had walked in a circle and ended up back on the East Side.
Child care center
Baby care and food information for new parents
munication, which can lead to misunderstandings and even the breakup of a family.
Child care
Some babies want food other than milk due to different baby. There is not food pyramid for infants. When the child has teeth, he/she begins to eat solid food.
Things to Keep In Mind
All children are different and never tolerate the same type of foods daily. Therefore, parents should offer different types of food to their baby. Later they can give a combination of fresh vegetables and fruits.
When to offer solid foods to baby?
At the age between 4 to 6 months, Cereals is good for baby. In 7 th months, parents can start give fresh vegetables to their babies. Next month, they can introduce fresh fruits and juice of fruits. After 10 th month, cheese, egg yolks and yogurt will be provided to child.
Baby food safety
• Always clean your hands and feeding equipment while
preparing baby food.
• Parents must be taken special care when making baby foods.
• Do not let baby food more than two hours at room.
• Freeze or refrigerate baby food immediately.
How to make baby food?
• Firstly, wash dirty hands and utensils for making baby food.
•Prepare fresh vegetables and fruits by peeling, removing seeds or pits and scrubbing.
• Always cook food in a small quantity of water. Always baby food may be baked or steamed.
• Do not add honey, sugar or any form of sweetener.
• Do not add salt or seasonings in baby food. Mash or puree cooked baby food.
Importent of breast milk
2 Be sure formula is prepared according to package directions. Mixing formula with too much or too little water can cause serious health problems and even death in young babies.
3 Avoid adding cereal to the baby's bottle. Adding cereal means the baby will not getting the formula needed. Cereal in a bottle can cause choking in young babies.
4 Avoid adding juice or other sweetened drinks to the bottle. Although babies like the sweet taste of juice and other beverages, these drinks fill them up and take the place of more nutritious breast milk or formula that babies need. Babies may be offered liquid from a cup between the ages of 6-8 months.
5 Avoid starting solid foods early. This may mean that the baby will not drink enough milk and not get the calcium, protein, and iron that are so important for growth. These nutrients are in the right amount in breast milk and iron-fortified formula.
Evidence that I've lost my mind
Anyway. The wedding crafting is in overdrive at this point. The shawls are done. My capelet is blocking. The pom-poms are being mass produced. And the cake topper is done.
why, hello there!
I have to admit that this was, um, heavily inspired by the cake toppers made by Patch NYC. And I feel a little bad, but if they are able to sell them for $500, then I think they're doing OK without my business. I also used the adorable toppers made by Small Object as a guide.
The biggest challenge was Jon's suit. He let me cut up an old gray shirt, and I made many a prototype before settling on this one. Then I found ribbon that resembled his tie, and we were off!
As you might gather, my dress doesn't look precisely like this -- and my legs aren't anywhere near as skinny as pipe cleaners, despite rampant gym-going -- but it's close enough that Jon is now forbidden from looking at this blog! (Spare me any commentary about how the whole "groom not seeing the bride" tradition is silly. We like our silly traditions, thank you very much!)
Anyway, I'll having actually KNITTING to show soon, once my little capelet dries. Now, off to remove the whitening trays ...
(cross-posted at How Engaging!)
So much care about baby skin
2. Constantly keeping environment clear and tidy many problems relating to child skin could be arrested. Baby skin is gentle and highly sensitive any change is climate both external as well as internal results some effected on child skin.
3.As a parent or a care giver you want the best for your baby, including the best products to care for her delicate skin.
4 .How To Treat Children’s Dry Hair
Responsible moms would always aim and strive to ensure baby skin care. That is why moms want to use the best baby skin care products available in the market.
5.Baby’s skin is very sensitive. Imagine, just days after coming out from the mother’s womb, each baby is already exposed to various baby skincare products.
6Taking good care of baby skin especially during the initial few weeks after birth would always be among the top priorities of parents.
7Since the skin of the babies is very sensitive, they dry out easily. So, it is advisable to give baby a bath one every few days and giving daily bath to the babies is not recommended.
So much care about baby skin link to baby health
Skin care tips
Most people thinking there small baby activity, You probably spend a lot of time worrying about what your baby is eating, how they are learning, and what advances they are making in their development.
A Baby's Skin Needs Special Attention, So Listen Up
So, you think you have skin that is so special and so unique? Sure, you may have needy skin but trust me; your baby's skin is even needier!
Soft skin for baby's
Anyone who has had a baby of their own knows how wonderful baby skin is. It is so soft and smooth that you feel a little bit of green envy creeping in as you look toward your own skin.
Use more natural products
As a parent or a care giver you want the best for your baby, including the best products to care for her delicate skin.
Baby Skincare Tips for Pregnant Women
Baby skincare should start in pregnancy. You know that a would-be-mom and the baby in her womb are directly linked to each other.
Common Baby Skincare Tips
A newborn baby's skin is the most sensitive. Aside from being naturally delicate, there are external factors and initial baby skincare products that are further contributing to the skin problems that may already be appearing on the baby's skin.
Baby has diaper rashes
You are minding your own business, changing your baby, when you notice a red, irritated area on your baby’s
How Baby get rashes
Most of us spend the majority of our lives worrying about ourselves. We spend hours thinking about how we look in a particular outfit or how we would look if we could just drop a pound or two or what lotion we need to buy to cure that pesky patch of dry skin behind your left ear.
Baby gentle care skin
vulnerable to more skill infections. Constantly keeping environment clear and tidy many problems relating to child skin could be arrested. Baby skin is gentle and
highly sensitive any change is climate both external as well as internal results some effected on child skin.
You should know all baby tips
Baby care is actually pleasurable but creates stress too among new parents. When you have a new born baby, it is obvious that you will have a tight time. You have to take proper care for the baby and you need to do your household chores too. You might have already heard a lot of tips for baby care, but you should understand that your baby is unique and you have to find out what works best for your baby.
1. Breastfeeding is very essential for a newborn. If for some reasons, you are not able to feed your baby you can go for bottle feeding. After every feed, you have to burp the baby. This ensures that the baby doesn't get gas since newborns are prone to get gas faster.
2. If your baby is more than a few weeks old and you want to get back to work, you cannot expect your baby to forget about breastfeeding. If you know that you will leave your child with a nurse, you need to make your baby accustomed to bottle feeding much before leaving your baby under the care of a nurse.
3. Many moms feel that bottle feeding prevents them from feeding the baby with breast milk. But this is not true. There are breast pumps and you can use them to store your milk for bottle feeding.
4. When you feed the baby with bottle, be cautious that you don't let the baby sleep with the bottle in his or her mouth, especially, when your baby has developed teeth, this practice will create cavities leading to dental problems.
5. Until your child starts moving and getting dirty, a bath two or three times per week is sufficient. However, you have to give sponge bath every time you change the diaper. Leaving the baby with dirty diapers invites infections and you need to avoid this completely.
6. While you take the baby for bath, keep everything including towel, soap and shampoo ready. Never leave your baby alone in the tub even for a minute. Also when you bathe the baby, close the ears with towel or covers so that water doesn't enter his or her ears.
Information about mother and baby food
Dietary supplements containing isolated vitamins or minerals do not appear to have the same beneficial effects as fruit and vegetables themselves. Indeed, supplements may even cause more harm than good. Therefore, studies appear to suggest that eating fruit and vegetables is much more beneficial.
Obviously, pregnancy and lactation place major demands on the body. To meet these demands the body needs good nutrition to stay energetic and to enable mother and baby to be as healthy as possible. One way we can do this is by eating a balanced diet, including plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Healthy and nutrition food
6 months baby food
A baby may be started directly on normal family food if attention is given to choking hazards.
Because breast milk takes on the flavor of foods eaten by the mother, these foods are especially good choices.
Nutrition food
Baby nutrition food
Babies typically move to consuming baby food once nursing or formula is not sufficient for the child's appetite. Babies do not need to have teeth to transition to eating solid foods.
Teeth, however, normally do being to show up at this age.
Homemade food for baby
Mash and mix ? banana and ? avocados together and add some almond butter. Why not make more to nourish yourself. Makes a quick afternoon snack.
Apple & Pear Porridge
* 1/2 eating apple and 1/2 pear
* 3-4 pieces biodynamic sugar free wholemeal rusks
* 100ml water
Place the rusks into a dish, boil the water and pour over the organic rusks. Leave to soak and mash with a fork. Add the finely grated fruits and mix together.
Babyfood recipes
* 1/2 cup quinoa
* 1 cups water or vegetable stock from the cooked vegetables
* 1/4 cup red lentils
* Broccoli, cauliflower or any other vegetable your baby likes
* 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh herbs
* Butter (optional)
* Grated cheese (optional)
Cook the vegetables until soft, drain (but keep the stock), keep warm on one side. Use the stock to cook the quinoa together with the red lentils until soft and the water is completely absorbed. Add a bit of water if needed. Stir occasionally.
Protect your baby -Weather
Protect your baby
It is a all-weather protection kit for baby care, it does not give any disturbance to the baby, and, due to its quality of itself fastens and not require any carrier, this Carri cover baby carrier cover is easy to use on almost on the all the leading brands as the , Baby Bjorn, Mother care, Boots and all brands of baby slings. It is 100% waterproof and has a fleece-line. It is made as Reversible covering. When you do not use it as a baby carrier you can use it as an outdoor suit. It is Fold able so easy to carry. It comes in black colour. It can Fits up to 9 months.
Baby care-Parents
Follow the links below to find information about feeding babies and introducing soft, solid foods into your child's diet
Six month baby food
Baby care-Baby food(home made baby food)
Nutrition baby food ( six months to 10 months)
Ground nuts( sprouts) or pea nuts : 100 grams
Raggi(sprouts) : 250 grams
Green grams(sprouts) : 250 grams
Rice : 100 grams
Jowar : 100 grams
Toor dal : 100 grams
sprouts become dry(sun shed)
1)Fry all the ingredient each at a time till it turn into a golden colour. Once it cooled then put all items into grinder jar make them as powder.