Baby care- Baby massage

Touch is the first sense developed by the embryo as it is rocked and massaged in the womb, surrounded by the amniotic fluid. As the baby is gradually pushed down the birth canal he or she is receiving a stimulating massage to prepare him or her to adapt to the new environment.
After babies have made their difficult journey into the world they need the constant reassurance of a loving touch.
Massage has been practiced for centuries in many cultures, and nowadays in parts of India, Pakistan, some African countries and the West Indies, massage is part of a baby's daily life. Babies are massaged almost as soon as they are born, often initially by their grandmothers.
The mother takes over the daily ritual when she feels fit. The practice of massage continues throughout life, and children and adults are frequently massaged. Massage creates a strong and loving link between mother, father and baby. The London obstetrician Yehudi Gordon states that 'massage helps parents communicate with their baby, thereby strengthening the bonding process'.
Touch is particularly important for premature babies and those in special care if bonding is to be established. Babies who are born by Cesarean section and thus are not massaged through the birth canal also require a great deal of touch.
Fast-birth babies who can be traumatized and shocked by the speed of the delivery also need massage. It assists in the physiological and emotional development of the child. Evidence suggests that babies who receive regular massage are subject to far fewer health problems. They also feed and sleep much better than those who receive no massage.

Baby care-Baby names

Name gives individual identity to your child. Choosing a name of baby is very important and interesting task. Generally, all family members start to put pressure on their mind to select best name for a new born baby.
You should always choose your baby’s name wisely.
Several psychological studies have proved that the names of babies influence the psyche and personalities of babies. Generally, sweet sounding names are chosen for female Childs and the names symbolizing strength and power are chosen for male babies

Baby care-Massage your baby

Baby massage
1 Contact with your baby which is very healthy for your relationship. 2 Relaxation which helps the baby with ailments like colic and insomnia. 3 for normal and correct function of internal organs such as the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic/immune systems. 4Good posture and physical development by learning how to sit and stand correctly. Maintaining the suppleness babies are born with. 5. Skin will become healthy 6 good looking baby Small babies thrive on touch and infant massage is fast gaining popularity due to its wonderful effects on babies' health and well-being as well as the enjoyable, bonding experience it provides the parents or caregivers. Massaging your baby will help relieve the discomfort of teething, colic, chest and sinus congestion as well as emotional stress and tension. Regular infant massage has also been shown to improve neurological development and strengthen the immune system. The experience of therapeutic touch increases your child's sensory awareness, improves circulation and enhances the tone and growth of developing muscles. Massage is also a wonderful way to bond with your baby, increase your confidence as a new parent and allow your partner to become involved as a hands-on dad to your new little one, especially if you are breastfeeding. It is a relaxing and fun activity for both the parent and the baby - it can also increase how long and how deeply your baby sleeps which is good news for everyone!

Baby care-Travel with children

Today's family vacations are necessary in today's hurry-up world. It's a time for families to reconnect and some of the most memorable moments are not spent standing in line at a crowded theme park attraction, they are spent enjoying a Simple unhurried dinner together or taking early-evening walks to nowhere.
After all, kids treasure moments, not places Many savvy traveling parents never eat breakfast in a restaurant, and some don't eat lunch in one either. Do they skip these meals? Absolutely not! But, they do plan ahead by packing a few familiar items – cereal, fresh fruit, juices, peanut butter, bread and crackers, and plenty of snacks. It's not only less expensive, but it makes sense; and, modern hotel rooms that are now commonly outfitted with refrigerators and microwaves make it possible.

M, school-age children are ready to go have fun – they are not ready to set in a ho-hum restaurant waiting for food that they probably will not eat.
Instead, a quick bowl of cereal or a piece of fresh fruit with milk or juice that they can enjoy while watching their favorite cartoon on television makes sense. # Lunch. If everyone is hot and tired after a busy morning at your favorite theme park or the beach, taking a break at your hotel is the perfect solution – it is cool, comfortable, and the perfect place to have lunch.
You'll be surprised just how good a peanut butter sandwich, a piece of fresh fruit, and a tall glass of juice tastes... particularly when it's followed by a nap! Children on vacation are excited, are frequently tired, and typically don't eat much at one meal. Many restaurants gladly comply with requests for additional plates so children can share meals. Don't be afraid to ask. Utilize Coupons. You may find them in hotel lobbies, in your hotel room, in newspapers, and in coupon books.
Using them will save you money.
Along Snacks. Despite signs that warn
"No Food or Drink Allowed," I do pack small snacks and drinks in my purse for my children. Not only are we saving money.

Baby care-baby food information

It is healthy and a lot cheaper to make your own baby food. With fresh foods you will get the most vitamins but frozen also has a lot of nutrients and vitamins still intact.

I made the majority of my son's food and I am so glad that I did. It saved us a lot of money and my son enjoys a variety of different foods. As my son has grown into a one year old, he eats everything that we eat. I really think it helps when they eat what you eat and if you eat with them. A lot of my friends are shocked that our son was not a Gerber baby and they are also surprised at what a good eater he is.

If you are able to do it, I would say make your own food. The baby food jars are perfectly nutritionally acceptable. They now make foods without added salt and a lot of added preservatives with the exception of the stage 3 foods. I will admit, that I always kept a jar or two handy just in case I was going out of town or needed something quick to satisfy my son (if I did not have adequate time to prepare his meal).

I would not recommend the healthy choice soups just because of the salt and added preservatives.

I know a lot of moms start solids between 4-6 months. Watch for food allergies and only give one food at a time for 5 straight days.
Another reason not to do the soups. The new guideline from the AAP is to wait until your baby is 6 months old before giving any solids. Before this age, most babies are unable to digest food and can develop more allergies than if the parent were to wait.

Baby care-Vitamins

Vitamin supplements containing vitamins A and D are recommended from 6 months for babies receiving breast milk as their main milk drink. Babies fed an infant milk or follow-on milk do not need vitamin supplements if they take more than 500ml/day, but if their intake is less than this they will need to have vitamin drops too. If you think your baby may need vitamin supplementation, vitamin drops are available from your health visitor, doctor or clinic and are free to those in day, and this should be given on a spoon and not added to bottle feeds. You should not give any other vitamin and mineral supplements unless they are medically indicated.This are all Vitamins links to baby health.

Baby care-travel kit for baby

Travel Bag 1 Powder 2 Shampoo 3 J & J Lotion 4 J Diaper Creme . Rubber Duck, color coordinated Wash cloth and Rattle, Cotton Swab Pack, Baby Bath Guide in a duck print zippered vinyl travel bag with white piping. Printing is done on the bag. medicine kit

Three's a charm

Yep, bridesmaid shawl number three is a done deal.

This went so fast that I could hardly believe it. Take that, you crochet haters out there.

My bridesmaids are strikingly different in a lot of ways (one's a lawyer in Colorado, another a drug and alcohol counselor in Pennsylvania, and two others are journalists, one in Connecticut and another in Maryland). But they are alike in the ways that count -- all hard workers, all compassionate, all goofy and funny enough to like me.

So that premise kind of guided my choices in their dresses and shawls, not to get too heavy on you. They picked whichever brown J. Crew dress they wanted, so I similarly picked shawls with a common shape but differences in the details. Shawl number one and shawl number two are knit, so I decided to crochet the remaining two. I scoured Ravelry and picked this Country Cotton Shawl. Practically crocheted itself.

Oh, and with Father's Day coming, I thought I'd point out that J. Crew has KNIT TIES. I actually knit my father a tie for Christmas in 2001, but I failed to line it. So it basically rolled into a tube, like something Gary Numan might have worn. But he still mentioned it in his Christmas Eve blessing!

baby care-travel information

baby care-travel information

baby travel kit

baby soap,baby oil


Pain reliever, such as Baby Tylenol


Baby wipes

Diaper-rash or antibacterial cream, such as Balmex



Large resealable plastic bags (for soiled items like diapers and wipes)

Sunblock (for children over 6 months)

Infant decongestant (for children over 6 months)

Parents should add a laminated list of important contact numbers and copies of medication prescriptions, as well as a list of children's hospitals in the area where they will be staying.

baby care-Travel with your small baby

When traveling with your baby, the key to a successful trip is an informative guide Welcome to baby travel information. Were making it easy for parents to travel with babies, f you're a new parent, we suggest you think of your baby travel companion as someone who'll add a new dimension to your travel experiences. Be sure you calm down your expectations, set realistic goals, and take it nice 'n' easy. Here are some parent-tested suggestions for travelling with a baby.when traveling with your baby, the key to a successful trip is an informative guide Be flexible: Traveling with your small baby can be a wonderful experience — if you go with the flow. Too many new sights and sounds at once can overstimulate your baby, and toddlers get bored having to sit still or sightsee for long periods of time instead of being able to run around and explore at their own energetic pace. Keep your itinerary simple. Limit it to one baby travel activity a day and you'll find it much easier to make last-minute adjustments if your child gets tired or just wants to spend time splashing in the hotel's wading pool.

Baby food

Make sure to take along a supply of water, breast milk, or formula — and a bag of snacks, if your baby travel is eating solids — on any trip. Children can get dehydrated during a flight, and toddlers can't always wait for food service (or they refuse the airline meal when it arrives). Whether you're in the air or on the road, best bets for older babies include easy-to-pack snacks like jars of baby food, bags of whole grain cereal, small cartons of fruit juice.

baby care-best baby food

ayurvedic massage for baby
Baby massage has a long tradition in India. Just after birth, a cleansing massage is done with a soft wheat-dough ball, to which a little almond oil and a dash of turmeric is added. Just before rubbing the ball is dipped in a bit of almond oil. This practice is continued for the first six days after birth, before the bath. It enhances circulation, helps in the expulsion of toxins and aids the digestive system of the baby. On the seventh day after birth, actual baby massage with the dough ball starts and this goes on every day for 3 weeks. The dough ball should be dipped in oil every now and then, which helps to keep the 3 proper balance. Massage with the hands begins when the infant is one month old, when the baby's body has become strong enough. The baby massage is continued every day for 3 months, during which the most time is spend in massaging spine, back, neck, waist, hands and feet, because these parts need to gain strength to support the body.
New parents may be wondering when to introduce solid foods for your little one. Is it when they are hungrier? Is it when they are six months old? Is it when they begin to crawl? But the answer is: look for cues that tell you that your baby is ready.

Most babies are ready for solid foods between ages 4 and 6 months. If your baby can hold his or her head in an upright position or sit with support, then this means that they are ready for eating solid foods. Also, if your baby is hungrier and interested in what you are eating, then these are all signs that your baby is ready. However, getting ready does not mean that you should cut off your baby from your breast milk at once. Make sure you.
baby food
Child needs food especially breast feed is very important to grow; A child can digest mothers milk. When mother takes notorious food then mother can get enough milk to feed the baby.

Child massage is important activity in daily life child need a smooth and regular massage and bath to keep the child healthy and active.

A child is around 3-12 months need special child food apart from breast feeding.

mother and child can enjoy when both are healthy.Breastfeeding is considered the best nutritional source for babies and it also helps fight infections. Breastfeeding also has a number of benefits for the mother who can bond with the baby through this wonderful experience.
Benefits of Breastfeeding .Even when your baby is only two months old, you should keep her gums healthy and clean. Gently wipe her gums with a wet, clean, soft cloth every day. The most important thing to remember is never to put your baby to bed with a bottle. In addition,
The benefits of breastfeeding are countless for both baby and mother. This nutritious diet makes the baby grow healthier and stronger, and it also helps the mother become healthier and avoid certain diseases.ayurvedic massage for baby
Baby massage has a long tradition in India. Just after birth, a cleansing massage is done with a soft wheat-dough ball, to which a little almond oil and a dash of turmeric is added. Just before rubbing the ball is dipped in a bit of almond oil. This practice is continued for the first six days after birth, before the bath. It enhances circulation, helps in the expulsion of toxins and aids the digestive system of the baby.

On the seventh day after birth, actual baby massage with the dough ball starts and this goes on every day for 3 weeks. The dough ball should be dipped in oil every now and then, which helps to keep the 3 proper balance.

Massage with the hands begins when the infant is one month old, when the baby's body has become strong enough. The baby massage is continued every day for 3 months, during which the most time is spend in massaging spine, back, neck, waist, hands and feet, because these parts need to gain strength to support the

One hip hippo

So what do you usually think of when someone says "newborn baby girl"?

A hippopotamus? Hey, me too!

Um, well, that's not quite how I came up with this gift for Cassie, Kaitlyn's new little one. I actually pored over crochet patterns, searching for one that had just the right deadpan expression. (I really love stuffed animals with deadpan expressions.)

For some reason, this hippo stole my heart.

This is about as delightful a crochet stuffed animal pattern as you could find. Easy to understand, nothing too fancy. Some assembly is required, but the seaming ain't too painful.

My only regret is that his pronounced snout makes him a little top heavy.

Jonathan was at first skeptical about the hippo, who was just a pile of purple pieces until Saturday. But after he was complete, even before I tied a ribbon 'round his neck, Jon was smitten.

He picked up the creature, held it to his face and said, "This hippo has looked into my soul."

The goodbye on Sunday? It was not an easy one. But we know this fella has a good home.


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